Adding ZRotation to Genesis3 Forearm Bend?

I just wanted to ask if it's possible to add a ZRotation property to the forearm bend. When I try to follow the "adding properties guide" by Daz it ends up that it says "can't add property to Left/Right Forearm Bend"
Probably because it already haves one. Click with right mouse button on the Parameters tab to get a menu and from the menu activate "Show Hidden Properties". You should see z rotation parameter now and its locked, so click on the little lock icon to unlock it.
Are you sure it doesn't already have one, locked to 0? Forearms don't bend from side-to-side (they are moved by twisting the upper arm). Try enabling Show Hidden Properties in the parameter pane's option menu (the lined button in the top corner or right-click the tab).
First !

Haha you are right, thank you! Apparently Motionbuilder uses Zrotation for that bone. When I convert from MB to Daz with pinning the limbs, the hands end up sliding above a table for example because there's keyframes missing.