DForce on a mesh

hello guys,
first of all: thank you Daz for dForce!!!
I’m having trouble applying dForce to a mesh. The final result I wanna achieve is rendering a cilinder that has to behave as if it was made of rubber, while I’m only able to make it behave as if it was a piece of fabric (it renders as an empty sleeve)..
I’ve tried to manipulate density, stiffness and other parameters but all I get is fatal crashes or mesh explosions!
anybody has succeeded in this?
dForce is (currently) a surface dynamics simulator, not a solid object simulator. You might be able to improve the result by adjsuting the surface settings to make it much stiffer, but I have had undesirable results when pushing those values high (presumably the simulation accumulates a lot of spring it can't dissipate and the mesh explodes)..
That's exactly what I'm experiencing... exploding meshes!
Maybe weight maps could help? I've never done this before but I've seen there's some more information here https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/203081/dforce-start-here#latest
Turning off self-collision often help with clothing explosions.
I can't offer any conrete advice (which is why I didn't mention it in my first post) but a Dynamic Surface Add-On could add internal support - not the same as solid, but it might be close enough.
Try parenting the object inside a stiffer, transparent cylinder to constrain it, and place a stiffer cylinder inside it to keep it from collapsing in on itself.
What is a "Dynamic Surface Add-On"???? I can't find any information on what it is or how to use it.
It's one of the options when adding a dForce Modifier, or in the enumeration control on surfaces, but I don't have any solid information other than it is intended to allow adding structural elements to help shape draping items.
Thank you Richard and Chohole. Dynamic Surface Add-On still sounds kind of mysterious. If you come across a tutorial, please post a link.
Ah, that was there last time I looked but I had forgotten all of the infromation. Sorry.