Just in case you were wondering about the authenticity of Town House (with link to DAZ product page)
Have you looked at the town house and wondered how true to London it is? I just thought I'd give you an idea and plug the product a little in the process. I am not associated with this product or the creator, I am just a buyer who lives in London and is impressed by it, so here I am plugging it I guess. Take a look at the attached photo; it was taken today in Notting Hill with my own new camera. I have seen houses in London even closer to the Ness Period Productions product, but they aren't within walking distance of my home, so I may add a photo or two to this thread sometime to show them. The balustrades on this house aren't present (though they may once have been) it instead has metal railings. To compare properly look at the pop-ups on the linked product page and look at the photo carefully; there are a lot of common features.
For the first time I used the product today for an image which I cannot show as it's a paid commission. It did impress me how much like some real London streets my image looked, and only a little of that was down to me; most of it was because the buildings are so convincing for some residential streets in central London. The product is highly recommended.
Nice to see the comparison. Ness has always been a fanatic for authentic details. :) Now if my renders were 1/2 as good. hehe
If that's walking distance from your home then you must live in a nice part of London! I used to live in Linden Gardens in Notting Hill. Julie Christie lived there at the time as well, and I saw Iggy Pop quite a lot, so I think he might have had one of the flats too. Portobello Road. The Record and Tape Exchange. The Gate cinema.
(cue Ren and Stimpy) - "M-e-m-o-r-i-e-s!"
Happy days. Couldn't afford it now though :lol:
The Ness has been doing extremely accurate historical pieces that I snap up as quickly as I can. He is truly one of the masters in my book.
I lived, briefly, in/around Leinster Gardens some 30 years ago. Mind you, it was in a hostel ;)
I do live in a nice part of London I guess. Mind you, it does depend upon what you consider walking distance of course. That photo was taken just a few minutes walk from home so it's walking distance for most people. All the places you and the others here mentioned are familiar to me. The Record and Tape Exchange is more a CD exchange nowadays, but it's still there.