A Genesis mystery
natrix natrix
Posts: 0
I use the program Marvelous Designer to make clothes. For that purpose I export a figure as collada (.dae) from Poser to use as an avatar to model the clothes around. It is (normally) possible to pose this figure using .obj files from Poser.
Example: I use a V4 collada as avatar, then pose the avatar in Marvelous Designer with a V4 .obj exported from Poser (this apparently is not possible with .objs exported from DAZ Studio - I haven't tried, but that's what I gather from the MD forums)
Here's the problem: This works with every figure except Genesis. When I load an .obj as morph target in MD, the Genesis avatar explodes.
Does anyone have an explanation - and possibly a fix for this?
I had an idea while I was writing the above post - that maybe the Genesis base mesh changes when you buy and add more morph packs, so that the .obj is no longer compatible with the collada, and that causes the mesh to explode. That appears to be true.
So I tried exporting a new collada, and then using the same figure to export a posing morph. I did get a different result, but not much better - basically nothing happened.
But I'm talking to myself it seems, sorry for that ;)
If you export Genesis to do work in another program, make sure to set it to base resolution and 0 subdivision first. Morphs etc have to be built with the base mesh.
I use MD and have exported genesis (from DAZ) several times to use as an Avatar and a morph target with no problems. However I export in wavfront .obj format.
I have discovered that the avatar and morph target need to be precisely the same in terms of morphs etc. So you cannot model on V4 and then morph target it to Genesis. You must start with a Genesis avatar that includes the morphs you want to use and then pose the same figure as the morph target.
If base mesh of Genesis would chance with each new morphpack, older morphs would stop working immediately due to vertex difference. I don't think it is what happens.
Thanks for the replies! I will have to try an obj avatar then :)
Hope it works for you :)
I still can't make it work! This is getting frustrating :(
But thank you all for trying to help!
The export/ import functions of the modeler most be able to keep vertex order or kablooey.
Since has worked for me, am guessing it is not a genesis problem per se. Have you tried exporting the genesis objects from daz to use instead of poser? You can export them in poser sizes.
Failing that, check out some of the other forum threads here as I seem to recall people having problems with exploding genesis body parts when daz4/4.5 came out. I think all of the relevant files need to be the latest release for the genesis figure you are using, so maybe your morph files need updating.
Also, are you exporting other props like hair ? Try with just the figure only.