DAZ Studio 4.10 / dForce can't initialize OpenCL 1.2?

I work with the following PC components:
Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit
NVidia Quadro FX 5800 (latest driver 12/2016 - there is no newer driver since 12/2016 for this card)
8 x Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU [email protected]
Now to my problem - I did:
I downloaded the file for OpenCL here:
1) I logged in as an administrator
2) run the msi file.
3) logged out as an administrator
4) DAZ Studio started, scene created, in the Simulation Settings under Advanced, the Xeon X5472 processors are displayed under OpenCL Device.
5) Click on Simulation and get the request for compilation (according to Screen)
6) clicked on yes and
7) receive the following error message (according to screen): Error initializing OpenCL kernels
I am not a PC expert, what can I do?

Try running DS from the administrator account (not Run as Administrator, which you should never do).
I‘m the only person for my pc system. Thats the reason, that I didn‘t have any administrator account. I don‘t know how to do this?
So what do you mean by Logged in as Administrator?
On DOS level: netuser Administrator/active:yes and the same instead yes with no as loggoff. Do you mean rightclick at mouse and "execute as adminstrator"? But if I do this, the same error comes.
Yes, I meant don't do that. If you use administrator level privileges to launch the isntaller then that is likely to have caused problems.
What other administrator rights are there, if you only have one account with all rights and the execution should not be done with the right mouse button?
Running from an admin account is just running with normal privileges, Run as Admistrator is running the application with enhanced privileges.
My normal Account is Administrator (take a look at the screen)
It doesn't matter what type of account it is - the problematic thing is seelcting the Run As Administrator command.
I'm getting exactly the same problem and I'm not running it as administrator either. Home computer, single user. Any suggestions apart from that?
Exactly same hardware configuration. Is this part of the problem?
Duplicate post - don't know what happened :\
This is a copy of part of my recent exchange with Nvidia customer services.
Is it true that dForce requires a more recent GPU?
Can you elaborate on this a little? What problems? And how? And maybe why?
I'm getting the same errors, using Windows 10 Home 64 bit. I downloaded and installed the file linked above, but get that "can't initialize kernels" error and nothing happens.
When I checked the requirements listed on the DAZ store website, though, it states:
That's different from what I'd read in the dForce - Start Here thread, which mentions OpenGL 1.2 as required. I'm not very good at technical stuff like this and my computer is on the old side, so I'm assuming I won't be able to use dForce.
maybe it has to do with the spiral labirinth of windows security policies for local account.. when installing a new program selecting this option (run as admin) in a system that is already working (just and often only) with "local account with admin rights" ... then when you pretend to "normally" start it (the program routine) the system (if with account control active) will always asks to check a confirmation. I had before this experience many times with common programs (ccleaner, mpc etc.) ...solved reinstalling again the program without that special option (run as admin)...
OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) and OpenCL (Open Computing Language) are NOT the same thing.
The application itself requires OpenGL 1.3 support at a minimum; 1.6 is stated in the requirements posted to the website (https://www.daz3d.com/daz_studio#system_requirements).
The dForce feature requires OpenCL 1.2 support, as stated in the Start Here thread (https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/203081/dforce-start-here#dependencies).
If you Run As Administrator, any files and folders created may have permissions set to administrators only, so they won't be accessible/modifiable without administrative privileges.
Not sure if this is related (or helpful), but I've had this issue along with a few .dll errors recently and timing-wise it MIGHT be related to the latest Win 10 creators fall update which hit on Oct 17th. I was getting intermittent .dll errors on the DIM and Daz Studio but fingers crossed resolved by doing the following;
Uninstalled both the DIM and Daz Studio.
Updated motherboard and keyboard apps/drivers (MSI mobo, Corsair keyboard), then downloaded latest Nvidia drivers (dated Oct 30th 2017).
Reinstall DIM from downloaded .exe, reboot, install DS from downloaded .exe (not via DIM).
Your mileage may vary, so maybe try just the driver update if it's just the OpenCL error you're getting, but it's always worth keeping on top of driver updates after a major Windows patch :)
Not only am I not tech savvy but I can't tell the difference between a C and a G! Time to get my eyes checked...
As far as I can tell my drivers are updated -- the nvidia panel tells me so anyway -- and DS 4.10 is working fine for me in all other aspects.
Please take a look at the attachment. And yes, I have an administrator account (like the attached screen). I made a film about the error, but I can't post wmv-files here so please use this link for the dropbox here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qypr30rxv2finww/Error_OpenCL_Driver.wmv?dl=0
It's not the type of account that we were worried about, it's whether you used the Run as Admisitrator command (or equivalent).
Your video is not easy to read - what is the bigger dialogue box saying?
Just had a quick browse through the release notes and the "16.1.1" libraries you installed, will not work with your processor.
It requires your Xeon to have SSE4.2, the X5472 only has SSE4.1.
I have tried every fix posted and still unable to use dForce. Still get the "error intializing openCL kernels" Very Frustrating. So I have asked my friend who works for intel to help with the kernel issue. See what he can do if anything.
According to Intel's OpenCL release notes: https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/managed/09/5d/opencl-runtime-16.1.2-release_notes.pdfrequires SSE4.2 in order to function.
The processor listed in the first screenshot was released in Q3 of 2008 and does not support SSE4.2. The first Intel processor with SSE4.2 was released in November of 2008, so just barely newer than the processor in this machine.
I must be the only one not using DS at a workplace then, because all my personal computers have only the Admin account, since I'm the only user and require absolute unquestioned system control.
Being logged into "an Admin account" and "Run as administrator" ARE NOT THE SAME THING. As a security measure, even being logged into "an Admin account" does not normally run with the highest possible privileges; because doing so poses an ENORMOUS risk that the device will become an expensive paperweight. "Run as administrator" elevates privileges (yes, even higher than "an Admin account" normally runs with) for the task being "Run as administrator" only. The folders/files/registry entries that get created while being "Run as administrator" automatically have permissions on them set such that you then need these 'higher than "an Admin account" running normally' privileges to access.
Maybe this (http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/5616-63-explain-administrator-thing#r9581089) will help explain it to those having problems understanding.
So could DAZ look into fixing this please. I can't afford to pay out for a more recent system with similar specs and as it looks like this is going to be quite big in DAZ from now on I think it's only fair for you to be thinking of all your customers and not those who bought computers made after a certain time. Their must be thousands of us out here who can't use this function just because you lacked the foresight to make it backwards compatible. When you do it between revisions of DS it's bad enough but to have a common hardware related incompatibility and know about it then incorporate the software into a major revision is just incompetent. Compatibility patch please - and if you can't patch it change the add-in. >:(
That makes more sense. Thanks.
The issue is that certain functions do not exist in previous revisions of SSE. It's nothing to do with Daz. If the CPU's instruction set does not contain the function, you cannot call the function.
Even a pretty basic nVidia GPU (such as my 750Ti) or AMD GPU will support the required level of OpenCL.