(How) is store search supposed to work?

Sorry, can anybody tell me if the store search (the white box on the right side of the gray line on the top) is supposed to work, and if it does, how?
When I enter something I'm pretty sure should yield some result, like "Victoria", I get "Search results for 'victoria': There are no products matching the selection"... :gulp:
Using the advanced search, I get even stranger answers; like "13 items were found using the following search criteria [...] There are no products matching the selection".
There is apparently never a product matching the selection. Which selection BTW? Does that mean there is a filter hiding everything? I didn't select anything, and if somebody did, how do I get rid of it???
Thanks in advance.
The search feature is a known issue that needs addressed. The search hasn't been bringing up stuff it should.
Okay, thanks.
At least I feel reassured it's not me being disproportionally stupid... :cheese:
Besides, speaking of bugs, I tried to use the "Fast Reply" feature, and when I tired to post, the forum curtly informed me that "This page is only accessible to logged-in users with proper access privileges" (which I thought I was, at least according to the fact I could access my account details). Well, apparently I am a cousin of Schrödinger's cat, for I both was and was not logged in. To make a long story short, I had to log out, and back in, and then go through the forum profile to get my own forum profile back, before being able to reply. You have some session handling problems, but then again I guess you know...
Me again. For some reason the store search works again. I don't know if I'm seeing everything there is to be seen, but at least it does find products. Searching for "Victoria", for instance, yields 2101 products, which is more like it.
Maybe the fact I logged off and on? :question:
I don't know. I've been seeing screwier glitches so its entirely possible.
Its equally likely that a butterfly flapped its wings in Tokyo, which means the store search will work for the next 5 and a quarter hours.
Probably famous last words, but I've been having little trouble with search when looking for a specific product, logged in or not. However, I haven't tried changing the sort order from Relevance.
How is it supposed to work?
Much better than it currently does ;)
Yep, that part is still broken. I never sort by relevance, always release date and still can't get that to work
I can't get the sort by day to work either. That's the one I like to use.
Okay, thanks to you I found what breaks the search (for me at least).
Store search works just fine as long as I sort by relevance or price, but if I sort by date (my default), I get the dreaded "There are no products matching the selection." message. Going back to the store and changing my display to either price or relevance allows me to search again.
Most people must have a default sorting of date, that's why search refuses to serve them.