Editing Metadata

I created some metadate for the general poses that come with M4 Pro Bundle. These poses appear in the pictures for the product, but they don't in the products list that are included in the bundle. In other words, they must be a part of another product and not a product by themselves.
I forgot to set the root compatibility base. I want to add it so that I can edit one of the poses. (I put it in the lying category but it should be in the sitting category, but DS won't let me edit it because it says I have to pick a product from the product page to use this function. So would I just add the Michael 4 Pro Bundle to the root category list? I don't see it in the list. Or maybe the poses would be in the Michael 4 base?
I figured out that the General Poses were included with Michael 4 base. I don't remember seeing this in the list of products. But since Michael 4 himself already has an icon in Smart Contect, I wonder what product he is using.
Well, I finally realized that the one pose that I thought I put in the wrong place actually wasn't one of the ones that I added metadata for.
It would be nice if all the products had metadata. It would be so much easier to find things. I have so much stuff that I forget I even have a lot of it.But I'm not sure I am going to continue this. I think it will take a long time to create metadata for everything. And I ran into another issue and I'm not sure what to do. I added metadate for the M4 pirate clothing. I was starting to do the materials, but when I set it all up and go to save it, Daz studio says that it already exists and it wants to know if I want to over write it. But I don't think I saved it yet, so am I about to over wright something else? When I cancel the save, then the product jumps off the product that I had it on and jumps on to another product. That makes me think that the file I was going to save was for the product it jumps to.
It looks like it might be easier to locate things in the product folders. It certainly isn't always that easy to find things in the content folders. I can find the pose files for the clothing materials in the product folders, but I have yet to find out where they are in the content folders.
So I guess I'll give this idea up.
Metadata in Daz Studio is complicated to create, especially if you're trying to create new products instead of categorizing items/assets. If you use the same name as a product that already exists, it will add the new items/assets to the already existing product, not delete what is already there. If you would like, I've attached the metadata I created last year for the 10 extra poses. You should be able to drop the files in your main runtime support folder, double-click on the *.dsa file and it will open Daz Studio and prompt you to install the metadata (or if you know how to re-import metadata through the content library, you can find product listed numerically (I used the M4 Pro bundle number 7880 for it).
Thanks for the file, Chatjd.
I think I understand why I was getting that warning about the M4 pirate already existing. Some files had DS at the end of the name. I figured those were for adding the clothing to the scene. Then the remaining files I figured were for loading the materials. But in actuality, I think the other files were fore loading the clothing into Poser. Since they were both for loading the clothing, and I had already saved one of them, that's why I got the message.
You could look in the products listing in the DS library pane and see which product is named what to completely figure out what happened. I'll be honest on the fact that a lot of Daz's older metadata is messed up or doesn't work. I kind of gave up opening tickets about their metadata as there were a couple thousand that I ran accross where the metadata didn't install, it wasn't categorized, or it was wrongly categorized/typed/compatability (even new stuff is constantly being updated by Daz because of this). I create products for everything I purchase from Renderosity and Hivewire (and did for RDNA) so I have in the last few years created metadata for over 3000 products--and I just got finished cleaning up the "lost and found" category on top of that with it saved back to the product metadata file instead of the user data file. There are some things that would make metadata easier to create/manage but I get the feeling from suggestions I have made before that they really don't want end-users messing in the products content DB pane and saving out the metadata like I do, would rather we categorize and save it as user data. That is why you find the problems that you did when you tried to create the product metadata.