How does weight map painting work?

I'm trying to work out how to use dforce. I've watched a video tutorial on weight map painting, the person demonstrating says to use subrractive painting but does not say how to make it subtractive. I've created the surface which goes red but I can't do subtractive painting. I've clicked every button that looked relevant but however much I paint over the surface it stays completly red and doesn't change at all. If I try to paint with the righthand mouse button I just get a menu appearing. How to I tell Studio that I want the brush to subtract from the weight?
Press the alt key while painting.
Thank you.
Thank you, Peter Wade, for asking this question! I was having the same issue, and finding no answers. (And Google was not my friend this time!)
And thank you, Daywalker Designs, for answering it!
Holding crtl will also smooth the area.
Here is some documentation that mentions the shortcut keys.
Thank you, barbult. That is a very useful link.