Slosh's Work. Just another render thread.

SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
edited April 2013 in Art Studio

Well, as we all know, our renders can got lost in fast moving threads. I posted a pic of David 5 rendered in Lux via Luxus and I was surprised that it didn't get a single comment.

David 5 with default texture, Xavior hair, necklace from Effortless Cool and an earring, with a pose from the David 5 Fashion Poses set. The full render continues lower, but due to TOS I couldn't show the hairy parts. You can see the full render in my dA gallery, link in the signature.

642 x 856 - 483K
Post edited by Slosh on


  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Wow, 21 views and not a single comment. I'm starting to get a complex here. Not to mention, just tried to join a dA group and was told the image was progressing "reasonably well." Huh? It runs circles around most of the other images of the same theme in that group.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,895
    edited April 2013

    Hey Slosh- What I think is going on (at least what gave me FITS) is I was logged in yet there was no way to post a comment- all the features were gone from the bottom of the textbox. It's the same ole, same ole, where it says you are logged in and yet you're not, and I had to log in and out SIX times before the post comment option appeared.

    Let me first say, I love the tiny "nuances" such as the glimmer on the earring, and that one little teeny hair on the forehead. AWESOME! I like the tone of the ambient light (not sure if I am using the right term, it's the overall light without a strong source) and his mood seems pensive but relaxed too. I guess he likes being in the buff, lol!

    Very nice work! Hopefully others aren't getting locked out like I was. This is impressive :) I like this David.
    EDIT: and agree about the hair- it looks incredibly real to me.


    Post edited by Novica on
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited April 2013

    Novica said:
    Hey Slosh- What I think is going on (at least what gave me FITS) is I was logged in yet there was no way to post a comment- all the features were gone from the bottom of the textbox. It's the same ole, same ole, where it says you are logged in and yet you're not, and I had to log in and out SIX times before the post comment option appeared.

    Let me first say, I love the tiny "nuances" such as the glimmer on the earring, and that one little teeny hair on the forehead. AWESOME! I like the tone of the ambient light (not sure if I am using the right term, it's the overall light without a strong source) and his mood seems pensive but relaxed too. I guess he likes being in the buff, lol!

    Very nice work! Hopefully others aren't getting locked out like I was. This is impressive :) I like this David.
    EDIT: and agree about the hair- it looks incredibly real to me.


    Thanks, Cathie!

    As for the forum being screwy, I thought it was just me. I have been having so much trouble, the last few days especially. I even restarted my computer thinking my network card needed resetting.

    Post edited by Slosh on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,895
    edited December 1969

    Since it's 1am here, a lot of people aren't up so I have you all to myself (lol)
    What's the difference in rendering in Lux vs Luxus? (I haven't used either.) What do you like better about Lux? I did go to your D.Art section too. Are those with Luxus?

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Novica said:
    Since it's 1am here, a lot of people aren't up so I have you all to myself (lol)
    What's the difference in rendering in Lux vs Luxus? (I haven't used either.) What do you like better about Lux? I did go to your D.Art section too. Are those with Luxus?

    Most of the images on my dA gallery are Lux renders, except those in folders marked by their software (ZBrush, Lightwave, etc.). I don't think I posted anything rendered straight out of DAZ Studio. I just got Luxus a couple of weeks ago, and I have only been on dA for about a month.

    "What's the difference in rendering in Lux vs. Luxus?" Actually, to clarify, Luxus is the plugin for DAZ Studio that allows you to render in LuxRender (Lux for short). Lux is a separate renderer, which is free, but does not have it's own interface. In other words, you can't load figures and clothing and scenes directly into it and start rendering. You do all of that in Studio, then use Luxus to "send" it over to Lux.

    Lux treats light more like the real world, bouncing it off of every pixel (more or less) in your scene to capture every shadow, reflection, highlight, whatever. It makes the renders much more realistic than 3delight in Studio, but it does take an enormous amount of time to get a fully realized render. In fact, it renders until you decide you are satisfied and then you stop it. I did one render for 30 hours, and it was just one Freak in a blank room. There are faster settings, though. I did the same scene with a different setting and got passable results in 1/2 hour, and equal results in 3 hours. But that was only because my scene was so simple. If I had a fully filled scene, with glass and metal and multiple characters, etc., I would be forced to use the longer render method because the simple method simply would not catch all of the details going on.

    I really like Lux, and I like Luxus. There is another plugin you may have heard about called Reality 2 for LuxRender. Same idea as Luxus, but with a different interface and from what I hear, less options for controlling your materials. I don't remember what Luxus costs right now, but it is a real bargain as far as I am concerned. I haven't used 3delight since. Would I recommend it? Absolutely.

    I've exchanged with you in other threads, so your name is not new to me. Do you have a gallery? What is your main style or interest in your art? I like to go for realism, and I enjoy male subjects mainly because most forums are overly saturated with female imagery. You probably will see very few Sci-Fi or Fantasy renders from me, but I do like to look at others when they are done well. It's just not something I have a talent for. Like horror... on ZBrushCentral I was a bit of a popular contributor for some time, even beta tested. But, as the professional industry took over the forum, my stuff looked like child's play. And I can't model a monster to save my life. In my dA gallery there is a Zombie picture. Scariest thing I was able to make and it looks silly. %-P

    Well, I bet right about now you are wishing you hadn't gotten me talking! It's 2:22 here, and I am getting to my punchy, sleepy, babbly stage. I will be more than happy to answer any questions that I can. As you see, I love to talk.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,895
    edited April 2013 is my Art Studio, and I'm only on my second render- EVER, lol. I'm, um, the best way to put it- doing lights my way, experimenting- taking my time. I am developing a series to teach children how to read, so it will be a story, with video to pronounce the words, etc. So right now, it's a mix of cartoon and real folks- having fun with it. One of my dragons is a real imp, going to get into all kids of humorous trouble.

    My studio also links to the best tips, tutorials, and FYI stuff to help everyone, so of course I've directed folks over to you for Lux/Luxus questions. Have fun! (evil cackle.) Yep, I recognized you from the forums too :)

    Scroll down from that linked section and you'll see your reference. Be very prepared..(lol, hundreds surf in a week. You might get busy... your work is very good!)


    Post edited by Novica on
  • BlackFeather1973BlackFeather1973 Posts: 739
    edited December 1969

    Great render, Slosh.
    The skin and the hair came out fantastic, the reflections on the earring and the necklace complement the pic nicely.
    Only nitpick i can find is his left eye, there's something about the iris that doesn't look right.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,895
    edited December 1969

    Great render, Slosh.
    The skin and the hair came out fantastic, the reflections on the earring and the necklace complement the pic nicely.
    Only nitpick i can find is his left eye, there's something about the iris that doesn't look right.

    I see what you mean when I click to enlarge. It's like a diagonal line that eliminates the iris.

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    That's where I remember you from! Yes, I saw your Art Studio thread and the woman hugging the little dragons (?) I now also remember some of the questions you had in various threads. Well, that is great. I'm a big advocate for reading, and I have had the joy of teaching both my niece and nephew how to read. They lived with me during their toddler/kindergarten years while my sister dealt with some personal issues.

    I know you mentioned learning lights your way, in your time, but if you have any questions I will try to help. DAZ Studio lighting can get simple once it "clicks" and really add to your scene. In fact, combined with the correct material settings, they totally make your scene.

    I don't mind the link, in fact I appreciate it. The more people ask me, the more I keep the information fresh in my brain and I often have to go experiment to get them an answer, which helps me grow and learn. And it's very nice of you to say that my work is very good. Most artwork that I have to share with people is from the first year or two of my interest in CG. Everything else, I've mostly deleted or hidden because I am over critical.

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Great render, Slosh.
    The skin and the hair came out fantastic, the reflections on the earring and the necklace complement the pic nicely.
    Only nitpick i can find is his left eye, there's something about the iris that doesn't look right.

    I know, right!? That is one of 2 things that bug me most about the render. The other is the dark streaks along the outside edges of his arms and shoulders. Luckily, since this render, I have figured out the problem and my next render, which is posted below, does not have this problem.

    Thanks for the comments and for not being shy about the "nitpick." Can't grow if you don't know. Hmm, I may add that quote to my signature.

    750 x 1000 - 1M
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited April 2013

    The Honeymoon.

    Just another render in Lux. Trying to get more complicated scenes. This one actually had lights in the wall sconces, which really lent a better mood to the image, but the bright white of the "bulbs" was unbearable. Plus, with only sconce lighting and a chandelier overhead, the render was extremely inefficient and had very very low S/p (only about 38) after 2 hours. Would have taken ages to render to finish. I will work on those problems and maybe resubmit this at a later date.

    Edit Apr. 28: I have allowed my original lighting scheme to continue rendering, then did a bit of mixing in Photoshop to produce the final render, which is shown in the 2nd image.

    1000 x 708 - 1M
    942 x 708 - 1M
    Post edited by Slosh on
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Great render, Slosh.
    The skin and the hair came out fantastic, the reflections on the earring and the necklace complement the pic nicely.
    Only nitpick i can find is his left eye, there's something about the iris that doesn't look right.

    Now that a few days have passed and I have worked with David a bit more, I realized the problem with the iris is that the textures are for a different UV set then what I had used. So, they are not lined up properly and do not look round. Just have to make sure to check UVs before rendering in the future.

  • MavroshMavrosh Posts: 111
    edited December 1969

    Slosh said:
    Great render, Slosh.
    The skin and the hair came out fantastic, the reflections on the earring and the necklace complement the pic nicely.
    Only nitpick i can find is his left eye, there's something about the iris that doesn't look right.

    Now that a few days have passed and I have worked with David a bit more, I realized the problem with the iris is that the textures are for a different UV set then what I had used. So, they are not lined up properly and do not look round. Just have to make sure to check UVs before rendering in the future.

    Oooooh yes, this has happened to me before... :)

    By the way, I like the composition of the "Honeymoon" one a lot. :)

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Mavrosh said:
    Slosh said:
    Great render, Slosh.
    The skin and the hair came out fantastic, the reflections on the earring and the necklace complement the pic nicely.
    Only nitpick i can find is his left eye, there's something about the iris that doesn't look right.

    Now that a few days have passed and I have worked with David a bit more, I realized the problem with the iris is that the textures are for a different UV set then what I had used. So, they are not lined up properly and do not look round. Just have to make sure to check UVs before rendering in the future.

    Oooooh yes, this has happened to me before... :)

    By the way, I like the composition of the "Honeymoon" one a lot. :)

    Thank-you. I had other ideas for the lighting, as I mentioned above, but didn't have the patience to work them out. Soon... lol.

  • MavroshMavrosh Posts: 111
    edited December 1969

    Slosh said:
    Mavrosh said:
    Slosh said:
    Great render, Slosh.
    The skin and the hair came out fantastic, the reflections on the earring and the necklace complement the pic nicely.
    Only nitpick i can find is his left eye, there's something about the iris that doesn't look right.

    Now that a few days have passed and I have worked with David a bit more, I realized the problem with the iris is that the textures are for a different UV set then what I had used. So, they are not lined up properly and do not look round. Just have to make sure to check UVs before rendering in the future.

    Oooooh yes, this has happened to me before... :)

    By the way, I like the composition of the "Honeymoon" one a lot. :)

    Thank-you. I had other ideas for the lighting, as I mentioned above, but didn't have the patience to work them out. Soon... lol.

    Oh, many times I start with an idea inside my head and at the end I end up having something completely else, hahaha...

  • TjebTjeb Posts: 507
    edited December 1969

    It's not completely true about Luxrender not having an interface. It has its own interface and you can load scenes. It's just not a 'scene building' program like DAZ, Poser, Bryce or Vue; you don't pose your characters and props in Luxrender.
    Officially it is called an unbiased render engine. Where unbiased means: a rendering technique that does not introduce any systematic error, or bias. It treats light in a different way.
    But to be honest, it's a hype. It does not make better art.
    Look at my posted picture. 3Delight is used in Hollywood movies, if it's good for Hollywood, it's good enough for me.
    Making good art is a combination of skills, fantasy, inspiration, knowledge of light behaviour and light setup and knowledge of using shaders and knowing how to use color combinations.
    But if you think you need it, go ahead spend your money on the plug-ins or buy Octane Render, or Furryball. Next thing you buy is a new videocard to reduce the ridiculous render times that are inherent to the unbiased render engines. And 4Gb. videoRAM is not enough, I can ensure you.
    I think it's better to spend more time in understanding all the ins and outs of 3Delight, it's worth it...

    800 x 554 - 162K
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited April 2013

    Slosh said:
    Well, as we all know, our renders can got lost in fast moving threads. I posted a pic of David 5 rendered in Lux via Luxus and I was surprised that it didn't get a single comment.

    David 5 with default texture, Xavior hair, necklace from Effortless Cool and an earring, with a pose from the David 5 Fashion Poses set. The full render continues lower, but due to TOS I couldn't show the hairy parts. You can see the full render in my dA gallery, link in the signature.

    I know what you mean it happens to me all the I have posted animations and art and never got a comment at all
    and sometimes just because people don't comment , it doesn't mean that they are not watching your thread. . especially when it comes to series or story lines of pictures. some people tend to wait to see the series play out before commenting. others just don;t know what to say. or are afraid they may come across as criticizing so they rather not say anything .

    But yea I know what you mean about the slow commenting But I would not take it personal your stuff is very good keep posting away :)

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Thank-you, Ivy. I appreciate you taking the time to comment and give encouragement. :)

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Just to back up Ivy's words, I have been lurking in this thread from day one. I've seen nothing I could help with nor criticise. So I just lurk.

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    tjeb said:
    It's not completely true about Luxrender not having an interface. It has its own interface and you can load scenes. It's just not a 'scene building' program like DAZ, Poser, Bryce or Vue; you don't pose your characters and props in Luxrender.
    Officially it is called an unbiased render engine. Where unbiased means: a rendering technique that does not introduce any systematic error, or bias. It treats light in a different way.
    But to be honest, it's a hype. It does not make better art.
    Look at my posted picture. 3Delight is used in Hollywood movies, if it's good for Hollywood, it's good enough for me.
    Making good art is a combination of skills, fantasy, inspiration, knowledge of light behaviour and light setup and knowledge of using shaders and knowing how to use color combinations.
    But if you think you need it, go ahead spend your money on the plug-ins or buy Octane Render, or Furryball. Next thing you buy is a new videocard to reduce the ridiculous render times that are inherent to the unbiased render engines. And 4Gb. videoRAM is not enough, I can ensure you.
    I think it's better to spend more time in understanding all the ins and outs of 3Delight, it's worth it...

    You are not wrong. They are all just different tools, and to be honest I didn't see any noticeable difference in early renders that I viewed. That again comes down to the renders I looked at, the artist wasn't very practiced in using the tool. I wouldn't even have considered buying Luxus if it hadn't been on sale for $13.00, but now I am glad I did. I just like the unbiased renders better, only a personal choice.

    Which posted picture of yours are you referring to above? I see lots of tiny thumbnails, and I'm not sure where I am looking. Or, is it this example of Hollywood and 3Delight that you are talking about?

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Just to back up Ivy's words, I have been lurking in this thread from day one. I've seen nothing I could help with nor criticise. So I just lurk.

    Lurker. :smirk:

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,895
    edited December 1969

    Well, since you remembered me from the forum (asking so many questions, and that trend continues) lol- you know I don't lurk. I just want to say what a HUNK your avatar is!

  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited April 2013

    Slosh said:
    tjeb said:
    ...But to be honest, it's a hype. It does not make better art...I think it's better to spend more time in understanding all the ins and outs of 3Delight, it's worth it...

    You are not wrong. They are all just different tools, and to be honest I didn't see any noticeable difference in early renders that I viewed. That again comes down to the renders I looked at, the artist wasn't very practiced in using the tool. I wouldn't even have considered buying Luxus if it hadn't been on sale for $13.00, but now I am glad I did. I just like the unbiased renders better, only a personal choice.

    I agree with everything you said tjeb, and with what Slosh has said. Having said that, they are different tools and can produce dramatically different results based on that. Take Stonemason's "The Dark Star" and convert the lights to UberArea lights like I did in this example. Then take the same prop and convert the lights in Lux. The results are dramatic. It's not a better/worse situation, just different. Different enough that I can't post an example yet because I have to play with it to get results I would want to show, but the promise of something pretty cool was obvious immediately after I tried it the first time. I hope to use Octane eventually for many of my renders but I don't see leaving 3DLight behind as it has different strengths. It allows some creative freedom that isn't easy to achieve in an unbiased render engine for one, like stylized effects, toon lighting, etc.. Also, the video memory will probably be a limiting factor for a while. As for preferences, that's what makes the world go round, me personally I like to have as many different tools available to me as my brain can juggle. ;)

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • IlenaIlena Posts: 283
    edited December 1969

    Slosh said:
    Great render, Slosh.
    The skin and the hair came out fantastic, the reflections on the earring and the necklace complement the pic nicely.
    Only nitpick i can find is his left eye, there's something about the iris that doesn't look right.

    I know, right!? That is one of 2 things that bug me most about the render. The other is the dark streaks along the outside edges of his arms and shoulders. Luckily, since this render, I have figured out the problem and my next render, which is posted below, does not have this problem.

    Thanks for the comments and for not being shy about the "nitpick." Can't grow if you don't know. Hmm, I may add that quote to my signature.

    As Jaderail and most of members a lurker. Guilty as charge. :-) But I've got to say the guy in the first render is handsome as heck... movie star handsome. The skin came out fantastic :)

  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited April 2013

    Slosh said:
    ..."What's the difference in rendering in Lux vs. Luxus?" ..

    I thought this was a great explanation for someone who isn't familiar with it. It was informative in a way that would help someone at this juncture and very upbeat. I think sometimes we get so caught up in technical nuances (I'm guilty here) that we forget it's important to keep things upbeat especially for when people are trying to figure out the basics of a particular item or concept.

    Oh, and the picture's great too. :)

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, Ilena and Gedd. I think whatever works in the situation is the way to go. 3delight has it's wonderful rendering points, as does Lux. Would like to try Octane, but I'm too cheap right now. Maybe if I become a PA and make the big bucks, I will spring for a copy of Octane.

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Here is The Honeymoon, re-rendered with my original lighting scheme then postworked in Photoshop to tone down the lightbulbs. I am much happier now.

    1000 x 708 - 1M
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    How did I forget to post this here?

    For a contest, no win :(

    896 x 675 - 1M
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Slosh said:
    How did I forget to post this here?

    For a contest, no win :(

    Is this a Lux render? Looks like it could stand a bit more cooking if it is.
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Slosh said:
    How did I forget to post this here?

    For a contest, no win :(

    Is this a Lux render? Looks like it could stand a bit more cooking if it is.

    Probably so. I can see a few areas, especially in the shiny metal, that are grainy. Honestly, though, I really don't like the ultra-slick super-duper renders. I think a bit of noise makes it feel more photograph and less CGI. But, maybe I will turn the oven back on and let it go awhile longer when I am between renders, see if it makes a big difference. Who knows, I might prefer it more than I thought.

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