Mac user and databases on a synology NAS path issue

I transfered all the databases on a nas synology. Configuring the path of the db it works perfectly. Until next Mac restart. I have everytime to tell again the software the path that change everytime.
Has anyone manage to manage this issue ?
Thank you for your help.
Bear in mind I do not use a Mac and I have not seen a synology NAS ,,, when you say 'the path that change' do you mean the path configured within Daz Studio for where the database can be found (Prferernces, CMS Settings, Cluster Directory) chnages (presumably back to a default location) or the actual path presneted by the NAS, or as seen by your Mac has changed?
Hi, thanks for your interest.
I use samba to get connected to the nas. I then indicate to Dazstudio that a ressource is in smb://192.168.1.x/the path to the folder
At a restart, I don't have any datas. So again, I go in the preference, indicate the path ( the one indicated before is right ), and the path is simply different cause Mac adds a 1, 2 or 3 to the path... Or is it Daz Studio. Do not know.
So this little difference make it not work.
I guess that it is useless to say but english isn't my language.
Here is where my knowledge of Macs and that NAS fall flat ... it's not Daz Studio adjusting the pathname, that is happening between the NAS exporting the Smaba share and the Mac OS importing it. The NAS should be configured to export that particular directory, and you shoudl be able (assuming Samba is installed on your Mac) to configure it to import that directory to a particular location (so if your NAS exports it as /export/data/CMS, for example, you could mount it at /CMS). The 1, 2, 3 part looks, to me, liek your Mac trying to make a unique name to avoid conflicts.
It's a MacOS peculiarity — this has been reported before. What's happening (I think) is that when you restart, the Mac detects the NAS and thinks you're trying to add a new drive with the same name as the "previous" one, so it adds the 1, 2, 3 etc. And of course this is enough to knock the content addressing in DAZ|Studio off kilter. I can't remember how people have been getting this fixed, you might have to wait for a Mac expert to join the thread.
The issue is basically:
When a file system is mounted, it is mounted under /Volumes, shown in Finder as sauron
So the disk sauron will be /Volumes/sauron.
Now, the os lose connection to sauron, most likely the os went to sleep, and when it comes back on, sauron will now be mounted as /volumes/sauron-1
But, finder will show it as tthe disk sauron.
and the path /Volumes/sauron is not the same as /Volumes/sauron-1
Sorry to have deserted the post, specially when you have been kind to try to answer.
Totte, you perfectly explain the issue.
SpottedKitty, you wrote it has been reported before. Since I don't speack very well english, I might not use the correct request on forum's search to find an answer or at least to get more informations.
Which request would you advice me ?
Or if any Mac expert in the forum could join to discussion ?
Thank you.
I don't have issues with the mac and assets on external drive or NAS, although I won't suggest storing it on a NAS.
Open up the terminal app.
Type "cd /Volumes/"
Then type "ls" to show names of all volumes mounted. Those are the actual volume names. Make sure the volume name you set in Daz matches the volume name listed in terminal.
I just came across this thread and thought I’d share how I solved a similar issue on my Mac when used with the Synology NAS. I created a shared folder on my NAS called ‘content’ where I stored all my DAZ content and set up the DAZ database to point at that folder. However, when the Mac is restarted, it loses that link to the volume UNTIL you manually navigate to that folder on your NAS from finder.
If you open DAZ studio BEFORE navigating to your content folder, the database will complain that it can’t find your content and the Mac then creates a new volume eg. Volumes/Content-1 which doesn’t contain your content. If you double click that folder there will be nothing in it. The only way to remove this bogus folder is to open finder, select the Go->Go to Folder… menu option and then type in /Volumes in the text box and press enter. Now all your volumes will be displayed and you can delete the bogus one.
So what I had to do always was, after restarting my Mac, navigate to the ‘content’ folder on my NAS via finder and then (AND ONLY THEN) start Daz Studio. Once it has connected once it will remember that volume until the Mac is restarted (so theres no need to keep the finder window open on your content unless you restart)
I know its a bit of a pain, but its the only way I found to successfully keep my content on the NAS without Daz studio complaining and losing all the links to my content.
Hope I explained this properly and hope it helps.