Custom categories or djl files...

Are creating custom categories the same as creating metadata? If not, are there instructions somewhere that tell you how to do this. Also, is this different than creating a djl file?

This is from the questions and answers link about connect....

If your goal is to change where files installed using Daz Connect show up in the Content Library pane, you can create custom categories and arrange them as you wish.

There is also a new file type you can create which will give you a Daz specific link file that you can move around on disk to sort your content on disk still. You do not want to move the files downloaded by Daz Connect as it won't know where they are anymore to load or update if an update is available. The new file type is a Daz specific link files with the extension of *.djl. To create one you drag and drop from database driven views (Content Library, Smart Content, Preset pages, etc) to native folder containers (Content Library) to create link file that you can then move around on disk as you wish.


so can you create new folders in the content library, that you organize the way you want and then drag the icons to them and DS will create this .djl file? Or what is the easiest way to organize without messing things up?


  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642

    I know how to create custom categories but I've no idea how to create metadata so I don't think they are the same. Custom categories do not change where things are stored. They are not files, they are entries in the content management database.

    One way to create categories is to select Categories or a category under it in the Content Library tab, right click and select "Create a Sub-Category". You can put things into categories by right clicking items in the library, selecting Categorize, then navigating to the category tree and ticking the checkbox of the category you want to put it in. You can put items in more than one category.

    Another way is to right click a folder in the library, select "Create a Category from", chose either "Selected Folder" or "Selected Folder & Sub-Folders" from the sub-menu and navigate to where you want the category to go. This will put all items in the library folder into your new category, if you chose to include sub-folders it will create sub-categories matching the folder structure.

    I don't know if you can drag and drop into categories. I avoid dragging and dropping in Studio because I have had problems with it in the past, but that was with older versions.

    I've never heard of a .djl file. Is there any documentation on what this is?

  • .djl files will appear in the daz Studio Formats folders rather than in the category views so yes, they are a way to organise your content separately from categories.

  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642

    .djl files will appear in the daz Studio Formats folders rather than in the category views so yes, they are a way to organise your content separately from categories.

    How do I create them?

    And do you know if they work in Carrara? Categories don't work in Carrara on my computer for some reason, I think they work for other people.

  • As noted in the section you quote, drag the icon from the Smart Content pane into the desired folder in the Content Library pane.

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