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:lol: <-------------- This is LOL.<br /> :vampire: <---------------- This is Vampire</p>
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:lol: <-------------- This is LOL.<br /> :vampire: <---------------- This is Vampire</p>
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I know, but I was looking for a LOL I liked. :lol:
I didn't care for the old forum's animated LOL.
Twitchy and flashy stuff makes me feel like I'm going to have a seizure. Seriously. I don't have them, but it's unpleasant, and it feels like I'm vulnerable to it.
Vampire was obvious, but I don't know when I'd have a use for it.
The selection of smileys is pretty bizarre.
:question: (Why do we need a vampire and a snake?) :question:
Yeah, there's ones that should have been in there, and, in their place are ones that are just freaky.
I'd like a little better range of the basics. :shut:
When you are hungry?
When you are hungry?
Har! I do keep vampire hours. a lot. But I haven't been bit, yet. *knock wood* :ohh:
The selection of smileys is pretty bizarre.
:question: (Why do we need a vampire and a snake?) :question:
Well, with the unfortunate popularity of True Blood and other teen-type vampire stories (all of which are ridiculous, vampires are not supposed to be romantic, pretty beings...they're undead for crying out loud!), vampire smileys are inevitable. Except for the snake and vampire ones, I kind of like the new smileys! I hope they don't get rid of them, just add some others so there is more choice.
I thought True Blood was for adults not teens.
Hmmm.... I'm under the impression that adults who like vampires are still unmatured teens. :roll:
Hmmm.... I'm under the impression that adults who like vampires are still unmatured teens. :roll:
I am twenty nine years old and I like vampires. I do not think liking or not liking vampires are sign of maturity. grrr
My wife and kids are nocturnal. I don't know how they do it.
Teenage vampires?
Maybe some vampires are protrayed as immature teenagers, but all of them. do not let one bad apple make you think all apples are bad.
I prefer vampires who are something other than filled with teen angst and immeasurable power. I mean, to go back to the classics, Dracula was a classy gent. Who was, admittedly, filled with immeasurable power, but it was exerted very intentionally and in the pursuit of long-term desires, not just food and trashy smut scenes.
Wow... we're so far from the original topic, here...
I like the Morganville vampire series. Here is my copy of the latest book of that series. (I know of one more that has yet to be released) the other book is Golden Lily which is part of the bloodlines series. I liked the first book so hopefully I will like the second book.
Also in the picture is Micah who was upset that I dared put books on his napping chair. That was his place to take naps, not a book shelf.
i need a book shelf.
Oh what is the original topic?
Oh no! This train has derailed!!! LOL Back the train up! LOLOLOLOL
I did try shunting a few carriages off into the sidings, but the hamsters went on a go slow, and I had to leave it for now. Will try again later.
OK, managed it this time, so this off topic conversation has been split from the Official thread and let loose all on it's own.
The Union of Affiliated Hamsters will be in contact with you shortly, Ms Chohole ;-).
I can keep the hamsters in order (sometimes)
Har! I do keep vampire hours. a lot. But I haven't been bit, yet. *knock wood* :ohh:
Probably works better if you knock the wood into the heart of the vampire...
What would happen if a vampire has two hearts and one of them get staked?
Was that a Timelord playing for high stakes? :coolsmile:
Who is he? Sorry I do not recognize him right away. :red:
What?! You don't watch goofy black & white comedy series-es from the 60's?
That's Grandpa of the Munsters (I was never quite sure who's father he was, or maybe he put Herman together, I don't know - Grandpa was always experimenting in the lab, usually inventing smoke clouds). (Could've been the grandad of one of the adults, for that matter). I'm thinking Lily had the vampire genes, and Herman was made of human parts, so his genes were regular-style).
It was kinda on the theory that monsters are just misunderstood. They just want to live a normal life, and all that...
Only this family didn't realize they were misunderstood. A normal looking teenage daughter, a vampire-looking little son. They always had a cheerful, optomistic outlook on anything they saw in the newspapers. Saw government and police as a force of good (if none of them stayed around for very long). Always lecturing the kids about the right thing to do. The girl couldn't understand why her boyfriends would freak, when they came to the mansion.
Seems it's not showing anywhere. Never thought I'd see the day when that quit rerunning.
Actually I have not watched tv in a while. I have not seen the Munsters in a longer time.
I can relate. I quit watching TV in my late 20's, during a busy time. Not that I was missing anything, at that time.
I think I had it on, a couple of times, when there was nothing on, some years ago. But I was in and out of the room.
I only watched it in the 60's, because they didn't have very much to throw at us, before prime time. And they were inexplicably fond of rerunning it.
I thought he was Lily's dad, but I could be wrong.
Edited to add: Now that I think about it, Lily called him Grandpa also, so I don't know. Of course that is how some people refer to certain people because of grandchildren. I call my wife Grandma in front of our grandchildren.
I did not do anything in the sixties.
You didn't miss much. ;-)