G8F Morph Creation Issues (ZBrush and GoZ). Please Help!

I'm new at content creation and I've run into a few issues trying to make a morph for G8F in ZBrush. I didn't encounter any issues during the sculpting, but when I tried to use GoZ to put the morph back into daz studio, it doesn't allow the option of 'update an existing object,' which best I can figure, is the way the bridge between the two programs makes the morph, seeing as 'create a new object', the only option it is allowing, doesn't do anything but exactly what it says and create an object. Since that failed, I tried exporting the changes directly from ZBrush as an object and making the morph via morph loader pro. When I did that, I got an error message saying 'Warning: Geometry did not match, failed to create morph.' So, I'm guessing that the problem was either with what I did when I initially sent G8F to ZBrush, or, one or more of the brushes I used created or deleted vertices. When I sent G8F to ZBrush, I first deleted the seperate eyelash model that loads with G8F in Daz, but didn't do anything else before sending it. Did I do something wrong there? When doing the actual sculpting, the brushes I used were, in no particular order, FormSoft, Inflate, Move, Magnify and Smooth. I may have also used Elastic, I can't quite recall. Do any of these change vertice order? If not, does anyone have any ideas for where else I might have gone wrong? Thanks in advance!
Anything you send over from DAZ Studio needs to be at base resolution, since that is what the morph will be created against. You can increase the subdivision in zBrush to work, but make sure you reduce it and delete the higher subdivision data from the morph (it may or may not cause problems) before sending it back.
So the Eyelash figure (and Eyebrow, if loaded) was gone and the Genesis 8 figure was in base resolution when you sent it to ZBrush?
Ah, there's my problem. It looks like I had it at high resolution, since that's what G8F initially loads as for me, and I didn't change it. For that matter, it has a default subdivision level of 1, is that right, or might that be causing additional problems? Is there any way to correct this for the already-sculpted morph, or am I just going to have to recreate it best I can?
You'll have to redo it, unfortunately.
Ah, well. At least it didn't take too long the first time, so hopefully it won't take too long the second time around either. Before I start over, is the subdivision level of 1 in Daz Studio's parameters okay, or should that also be changed?
If the Mesh Resolution setting under Parameters isn't Base, put it there before sending to zBrush.
Yes, I've got that, but do any of the settings in Parameters->Mesh Resolution other than Resolution Level, like SubDivision Level, also matter?
Base should be fine... also to salvage your morph, you can try to use zbrush's projection feature to project the features of the morph you made that erroneously had the eyelashes to a correctly exported version. make sure you mask out sections like teeth, eyes and the nails because the projection usually ruins those areas...
It already lacked eyelashes, it was that I had the resolution level set to high resolution. In any case, thanks for all the help, everyone!
That's what we're here for; to help those that have problems. Good luck with your project.
Projection would have still worked to transfer the details you made to a lower poly mesh without eyelashes.
GoZ can be a bit glitchy (in my experience) and I have not had much help on GoZ-ZBrush issues as "DAZ3d does not support ZBrush". I'm not sure how they know that the problem is always with ZBrush and not GoZ, but heyho!
So these days I always (when I remember
) do a quick check to see if the link is working properly: After having loaded the figure/object in to ZBrush (via GoZ) and selected Edit, I apply a morph brush at max so it has an easily visible effect, then GoZ back to DS. If the link is working, DS will popup the option for naming and applying the morph. I cancel that (though you can apply it just to double check) and go back to ZBrush where I delete my crazy morph. I can then spend a lot of time morphing without the fear of the link failing when I finally send the morph back to DS via GoZ.