problemes dans le rendu

petit souci de manipulation, des que je déplace les curseurs de deplacement dans la scene le paersonnage disparait et ne reaparait qu'apres surement une erruer de manipulation de ma part
merci pour celui qui va prendre la peine de me donner la solution.
These are the transform sliders in the Parameters or Posing panes? When is the figure reappearing - when you release the mouse? If so it may be that you have a big set loaded, and when you use the controls the preview switches to bounding box mode so all you see is the box for the set. Try going to the Draw Settings pane (Window>Panes(Tabs)>Draw Settings, then click on General>Manipulation on the left and set Manipulation Draw Style on the right to Use Current (OFF).
Characters will often disappear if the viewport is set to Iray mode and you move the camera below the floor (so that you're looking up at them). This happens to me constantly when I am texturing objects.
I'm getting a bug recently where the scene will rotate or move somewhere else on its own. It'll just jump to a new location. It's very annoying. I wonder if this is what the op is experiencing. So if the camera is jumping under the floor, then the character will disappear.
Est-ce que la scene bouge a un différent endroit tout seul quand tu commence a utiliser les curseurs de déplacement? Ou est-ce que le personage disparrait completement sans que la camera bouge? Notez qu'un déplacement sous le "plancher" va faire disparaitre le personage, mais je veux quand meme savoir si la caméra a sauter a un nouvel endroit... ou si c'est un autre probleme completement. Parce que moi, j'experience le sautage de scene. Je pense que c'est un bug.