Daz content for a game ??

Hello i just want ask if i buy somthing from the daz store can i use it in unity for a game ? or do i need ask the owners premission? iv been working on a game for unity makeing animations in daz and exporting the basic genesis 3 models but i dont want use them if im not allowed but im asking for all props/models/textures on daz
When you go to the store, if you look on the store opage for the items you are interested in you will see that it says to the right of the page
This is the license you need to buy to use that content in a game.
Edited to add that for Genesis 3 itself the store page here https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-3-starter-essentials
You can see that it will cost $100 for the additional add on license, allthough Genesis 3 starter essentials are themselves free. If you click on the button which says "Purchased" it will turn to a button which says "Add License"
so if i wanted use genesis 3 i would have buy this license and then buy people morphs textures + licenses for those also? same with buildings props ect?