What are "Additional Files"? (solved)

Now I serch products in daz store, I found some products have Additional files which can download from product page,,
are they new texture file for the products?
Some products which I bought and installed seems to have new additional files,
(If I just overlooked before?)
Now I downloaded . zip , but It seems for MAC user, so delete it. I am windows PC user.
then I downloaded .exe,
I am trying to install, but it seems to old installer, and it could not recognize and show my contents folda,
so, I feel anxious if it cause problems for my contents, then cancel it.
So what are they? and can I use them? If they are additional texture, of course I joy to use them.
Post edited by kitakoredaz on
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Let's see if I can help. I believe the additional files you're thinking about are the texture templates. So, those are useless unless you want to texture a piece of clothing, for instance. The entire product you purchase should show up in your account under the available downloads. Any other texture expansion would have to be purchased separately.
Right now, Mac files are in zip format... the rest are .exe's, so just make sure you download those. Install again, but this time try to be patient while the installer(s) complete.
thanks Jazzmin!
now I do not have trouble ,so, Do not worry :)
I am taking care of causing trouble ,, because I am so careless [hasty] person,,
but thistime, I just want to know about it!
texture templates. So, those are useless unless you want to texture a piece of clothing, for instance.
texture templates,,, I do not understand well about texture templates,, may be it like a texture of parts
(like a wall paper)?
yeah,, I have belived they are present for customer ( there are not so many lucky things,, )
OK I just try it, I may need not install it on contents folda?
if I have another question, ask, here,, tell me please !! thank you!:)
No, what they are is a UV map of the model in question, that you then use to make a new texture, by designing it yourself in a Paint program. It does not need to go into your content folder and you only need it if you are going to make your own textures, instead of using the ones other people supply
It should also be noted that these are not something that started with the new store. They were available also in the OLD store site.
Indeed they have been available on the product pages ever since I've been here. Just not all products have them.
You're welcome kitakoredazu! I'm glad you have no troubles :)
You are correct, the texture templates are useless unless you want to texture clothing or some other model. They also do NOT need to be installed. The only reason to unpack them is specifically to use in order to add your own textures or, as Chohole said, by designing yourself in a paint program, such as Photoshop.
Yes, if you have questions it's okay to ask here, but also check the "Nuts & Bolts" section as I believe that is the portion of the board set aside for answering questions about usage.
So thanks "chohole (teacher), Art_junkie, jazzmin. I can understand now!
(I remember your icon image of old forum, they are good to feel friendly,,)
Annnnddd,, I will try to set original texture on products,, maybe,, (but I should buy pen tublets,,):coolsmile
I do not clealy understand about "UV maps" yet, but, texture templates (which I downloaded) is image file of template (on UV map )?
So, I copy template image, and , arrange or draw texture on it (with Gimp and so on ) ,,
then I will set the image on material of surface group , by surface pane on daz 4,,
when I try it , I will ask it on Nats and bolts topic!