group in a bar scene

Is there a way to have a group of men in a bar scene without creating something that will take 2 weeks to render?  I have a main character and need to inject other patrons who are just standing around.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,018
    edited November 2017

    It depends on how much variation you want, but you could try creating instances (Create--> New Node instances) instead of having the full res characters.

    You could also render in layers, rendering the background and background character first with DOF, and then the characters further to the front.

    There's this product which helps you reduce background characters so they won't eat up too much VRam:

    Manually doing the same as the tool, you can set the background characters and their hair/clothing to Base resolution, remove all maps except the surface maps and reduce the size of the remaining maps.

    Alternately, there's LOREZ who has male and females of low resolution:

    I'Ve used them here in the background to populate the restaurant, in combination with instancing. As you can see from the non-Depth of Field version, the repeated instances are pretty obvious:

    But if you add in DOF, they'll do their job nicely.


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    2600 x 1462 - 1006K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Thank you. I just purchased Scene Optimizer.

    To be truthful I never knew it even existed but looks like the answer to my problem.  

    Again thank you


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