Rigging Legacy Clothing - Resources and Tutorials

Alright. I've gotten pretty good at setting up costumes for the Genesis series using the Transfer Utility. I've found it to be pretty much a piece of cake at this point. That being said, however, I've had numerous requests that I rig my creations so that they're compatible with the Victoria 4. The problem is...I don't know how. Also, I've already learned the hard way that the Transfer Utility doesn't work with Legacy Rigging the same way it does with Genesis-based products.

So if there are any tutorials, programs, and other resources that could help me convert clothing I've previous done for G2F and G3F to work with Victoria 4, I would greatly appreciate it if someone were to point me in their direction.


  • The clothing model needs to be grouped to match the Victoria 4 bones

    In the Figure set-up pane Import Victoria 4 from the scene, then in the Groups area right-click and import your OBJ. Drag the OBJ onto the root in the relationships area, then discoard any unneeded bones (and remove the Victroia 4 mesh, right-click menu, from those you keep but which aren't in the clothing mesh - the general adice is to keep one dummy child bone beyond each real bone, so if your arms end at forearm keep the hand but with no geometry). Rename the figure, check the modify selected option, and click Apply (or Modify - I can't recall but it's the button at bottom-right that wa originally labelled Create). That shoudl give the base, with the Victoria 4 joint centres. Now you use the Joint Editor to tweak the plaement of the include/exclude angles and spheres. Remember that in legacy rigging the children move with the bone 100%, and that a bone cannot affect anything beyond its own parent - bending has to be handled solely in the bone's group and the parent's. Also remember that a geometry group may not touch any other group but its children's and its parent's, which is why skirts are so tricky.

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