WW2 US Tank model

Just out of curiousity..is this model supposed to be a Sherman tank ? It's very well detailed and all that, but the front glasis plate doesn't look like any Sherman I'm familiar with ?


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722

    Seriously? Funny, this is the 3rd complaint I have seen on these models. In the poser/DS world, you don't usually find exact replicas of any model that might be copyrighted, but similar models with different names which is probably why it isn't called a M4 Sherman. Looking at the model, it looks like he really pimped out the M4 (there are many variants) as it has all the bells and whistles you could add to a tank. The reason the front glacis plate doesn't look as familiar as what most are used to is that it resembles the Pullman Standard design with installed cast drivers hoods and a rack for parts. I like the look of this one more than the bare hump of the basic version.


    I think Polish went above and beyond on these models. He could have easily just did a simplified game type model and be done with it. I have 4 Sherman models from the games I play and each one of them is designed differently including one that has this type of glacis plate

  • I wasn't trying to be overly critical of the model - I was just saying I didn't recognise that particular variant. As for the moddeler not calling it a sherman - that's his choice

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited November 2017

    It looks like a British M4/A4 (Sherman V) with side skirts...


    The British and Canadian side skirts are often different from the U.S. Models... More rounded, less angular.

    There were a lot of hull and turret variants throughout production. I once did a pattern for a resin kit for some guy and had to research a bit... Enthusiasts and kit builders are very demanding, but sometimes it really hard to nail down what the hell you are looking at because one photo can be a different variant and it looks identical to another photo, but they are taken months and miles apart... Not to mention mislabeled photos or working off an actual vehicle at a museum...

    Sometimes the specimen started out one model, was altered in the field, survived the war, got sold as surplus, was field altered again by the army of wherever it was serving, eventually was retired and used in some other capacity (like an armored plow or tow vehicle) then retired and sold again and left outside a military academy as a decoration or just left in a field to rot... Eventually a museum buys it and either uses it for parts or tries it's best to restore it... 

    You might think you are looking at an accurate representation of what the variant is supposed to be, but in reality it's at best an approximation.

    There is a tank museum near me that has a Sherman that (unless I'm remembering it wrong) is made from parts from five or six different units... And is "close enough" restored... I believe the main body had served in Israel as some sort of a modified bulldozer or berm plow.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • It says it's fully rigged, does anyone know if that includes the track plates?

  • It's the add-on hood aplique armor (to strenghten the old direct vision hoods) that makes this model so unusual.


    "In late 1942, Fisher transitioned from direct vision to "fabricated" drivers' hoods. Note the very sharp, angular appearance of the hoods. Fabricated drivers' hoods were exclusive to Fisher-made M4A2s and were set up to save foundry capacity. The other builders used castings."




  • Thanks for all the extra info, Folks :) I bow to your more detailed knowledge :)

    One question I meant to ask in my original post. Does anyone know it the various hatchs open ? I see no mention of this in the description or the advertising renders

  • NSFW said:

    It says it's fully rigged, does anyone know if that includes the track plates?

    I purchased the german tank and only the turret is rigged.  The treads are not rigged.  Nice model but "fully rigged" is misleading.


  • I purchased both models, so here is a quick review of what is rigged :

    WW II US Army Tank :

    • both hatches in the front of the hull
    • turret
    • both hatches on the top of the turret
    • machine gun on the top of the turret

    WW II German Army Tank :

    • turret
    • one hatch on the top of the turret (commanders hatch)

    What is not rigged on both models (but you may have expected them to be) :

    • main gun (up / down)
    • hull machine gun
    • tracks
    • any hatches not mentioned above
  • Thanks, too bad about the tracks. Surprising that Daz allows them to be listed as fully rigged, when the defining feature of a tank is not even rigged. 

    And yet free ones exist with rigged treads, so why is it so difficult to get a quality tank with rigged treads for Daz?


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