Iray Render - Fingertips Glowing Red

PatroklosPatroklos Posts: 533

Hi, I am doing a render of G8M (Michael 8), 3 figures side by side to test the appearance of 3 different mats.

One mat is the Michael 8 out of the box, another is Beautiful Skins No. 2 Mat on Michael 8, the third is my own working of the settings on Michael 8, incorporating advice from the forums.

In general I am very pleased with the work that I have produced, however with the render 75% complete the fingertips on the figure that I have worked on are glowing red. There is no other part of the body with this effect, and it does not appear on the other 2 figures who are posed identically and all face exactly the same direction (in other words the light is the same on each figure)

Can anyone tell me which setting I should look at to correct this problem?


Post edited by Patroklos on


  • That sounds like some kind of SSS issue. Are the fingers close to anything else in the scene?

  • I thought that - a guess - so I switched SSS off entirely, this cured the problem in shaded areas, but not the fingertips.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    how about translucency is that still active 

  • Yes, and I have put the diffuse maps in the translucency as it gives more detail in the skin to my eye, and the trans colour is quite red

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