DzFire's Parts and Interactive License

DzFireDzFire Posts: 1,473

There are a few sets of mine, Nurnies Greebles Parts and Pieces vol 1 through 3, that now have the option to buy the Interactive License. Now this is great for game developers who like to kitbash other models to make them unique, it's not intended as a merchant resource. I've been getting IMs and emails about using these sets to make models and sell them, so I figured I'd post here that this is not the case, these are not merchant resources. I hope that didn't come across as being mean or cross :) 

If someone would like to use these sets in their own commercial models, submit a ticket to Daz and a possable agreement could be made.




  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,831

    You may want to ask DAZ to amend the product descriptions for each product to make this clear. I don't know if someone who wants to use these as if they were a merchant resource would necessarily stumble across this thread.

    While we're on the subject, I'd just like to say that the NGPP sets are really excellent. They are amazingly useful and varied, and perfect for 'dressing up' simple models to add complexity. I've had a lot of fun taking models produced by the Shapewright Ship Generator, for instance, and covering them with greebles. (See, for example, this image and this one).

    The only thing that might improve future NGPP's might be if they were broken down into more material groups. The current ones typically have just one or two shading regions, which means that if you want to texture them for close inspection you're pretty much obliged to paint up a whole texture map. Lazy people (like me) would much rather just slap an off-the-shelf shader on each distinct bit of the model and call it a day. Obviously, this wouldn't apply to the simpler greebles, but for those that are recognizably a complex object made up of other objects, more shading regions would be very welcome.

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