Daz 4.10 not available yet?

I see some products I'd like to get that are listed as being for Studio 4.10. Yet I've been trying to download 4.10 and even though there are download links, it doesn't seem available yet? WTF? If the program isn't out yet, A. why have download links, and B. why are there products out for a program not out yet? Anybody know what the deal is?


  • It's been out since late October. My only guess is there's a problem on your end. Maybe someone who knows more about the way things work will post. I had no problem using DIM to install it.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602

    It is out. I'm using it. I downloaded it via DIM where it showed up one day. I'm not sure about the manual install links. Perhaps someone else has input on that.

  • Yeah, it's never shown up on DIM, and the manual download link doesn't work. I dunno...

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602

    Could it be hidden in your dim? I have found sometimes that I have hidden the major installers and it might show up in the 'display hidden' option.

  • Yeah, it's never shown up on DIM, and the manual download link doesn't work. I dunno...

    I would suggest opening a support ticket so they can help determine why you're not seeing it.

  • The manual download link keeps taking me to my purchase library and asks me to pick a product... though 4.10 isn't listed. and DIM just freezes up when I try the DIM link.

  • DAZ_Steve said:

    Yeah, it's never shown up on DIM, and the manual download link doesn't work. I dunno...

    I would suggest opening a support ticket so they can help determine why you're not seeing it.

    Honestly, they've never been much help. I'll try it, but I don't expect anything. I'd rather call for help, but they don't do that anymore, and I HATE the current help system.

  • Could it be hidden in your dim? I have found sometimes that I have hidden the major installers and it might show up in the 'display hidden' option.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602
    edited November 2017

    The link does appear to be broken. When you got the link below, it takes you to your library where nothing is available.  Support will have to fix the link.. It doesn't work for me either.



    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,032

    I have DS 4.10.x too, both release & public beta but only the 64 bit versions. I hid the 32 bit versions in DIM. Have you perhaps hidden DAZ Studio downloads in DIM? Is there still a 32 bit DAZ Studio as of version 4.10.x? 

  • I have DS 4.10.x too, both release & public beta but only the 64 bit versions. I hid the 32 bit versions in DIM. Have you perhaps hidden DAZ Studio downloads in DIM? Is there still a 32 bit DAZ Studio as of version 4.10.x? 

    No. I tried the show hidden button, and it's still not there. I use windows 10 64 bit.

  • The link does appear to be broken. When you got the link below, it takes you to your library where nothing is available.  Support will have to fix the link.. It doesn't work for me either.



    Ok. So it's not just me. Good. Hopefully it's fixed soon, as I wanna upgrade.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,032

    There is a 32 bit DAZ Studio 4.10 I just checked if you need it.

  • There is a 32 bit DAZ Studio 4.10 I just checked if you need it.

    Like I said, I use windows 10 64 bit. The links are apparently broken. Support's been contacted.

  • I'm checking on this right now.  Will update you shortly.

  • DAZ_Steve said:

    I'm checking on this right now.  Will update you shortly.

    I contacted support.

  • DAZ_Steve_2154153DAZ_Steve_2154153 Posts: 565
    edited November 2017

    We're working on fixing those links from the get_studio page right now.  In the meantime, you can find it in your product library by searching for "Daz Studio 4.x Pro" or use the link https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/files/#prod_13176 ; and those links appear to be working.  We'll also resolve those other links from the get_studio page shortly.

    Post edited by DAZ_Steve_2154153 on
  • This is fixed now.  Thanks for the heads up.

  • edited November 2017
    DAZ_Steve said:

    This is fixed now.  Thanks for the heads up.

    Tech support sent to a dropbox download for it, downloaded, tried to install... it froze at 90%. After an hour I cancelled the install,and tried again. It said there was an error in one of the files and refused to install. Now I am out 4.9 as well as 4.10. I am redownloading the install, but I have a feeling it's not gonna work. I wish I'd not screwed with this crap now.

    EDIT: The redownload idea worked! Up and running again!

    Post edited by dynagirlsdaddy_c70e7535d2 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,032
    DAZ_Steve said:

    This is fixed now.  Thanks for the heads up.

    Tech support sent to a dropbox download for it, downloaded, tried to install... it froze at 90%. After an hour I cancelled the install,and tried again. It said there was an error in one of the files and refused to install. Now I am out 4.9 as well as 4.10. I am redownloading the install, but I have a feeling it's not gonna work. I wish I'd not screwed with this crap now.

    EDIT: The redownload idea worked! Up and running again!

    You should uninstall, reboot, and then install. I've had a similar install go wrong that way about 2 years ago.

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