Hiding part of a prop that is not visible on render

I am using the MIllennium Cat and put a collar from the Millenium Cat Props on the cat.  I would like to just render the visible part of the collar, without the cat.  When I turn off visibility of the cat in the scene, then the whole collar is rendered.  Is there a way to hide or delete the part of the collar that is not visible when the cat is displayed?   


  • Iray or 3Delight? In 3Delight using pwCatch to make the cat appear as part of the background would be the obvious approach.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,018
    edited November 2017

    If youuse Iray and just have the dog and the collar in the render, there's this very nifty trick using the Iray Section Plane Node. It doesn't render things that are behind it, and you can ise the direction of the node to tell it if it should hide things before or behind it.

    You create a node by Create-->New Iray Section Node.

    You then select ithe Section Node in the scene tab. If you have the multi-tool activated, you'll see the directional arrows; everything in direction of the green arrow axis is hidden. If you change the x-angle to 90 degrees, and pose the Sectio Plane node in the mide of the dog, it will be cut in half. If you hide the dog, you'll just have the half collar.

    iray section.JPG
    1691 x 981 - 116K
    iray section2.JPG
    1834 x 925 - 136K
    iray section3.JPG
    1915 x 961 - 142K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Iray or 3Delight? In 3Delight using pwCatch to make the cat appear as part of the background would be the obvious approach.

    I am using Iray.  I looked at pwCatch but am not sure it will do what I want.  I am trying to render the collar and the dog separately, so that later I can layer the two images so that it looks like the collar is on the dog.

  • BeeMKay said:

    If you use Iray and just have the dog and the collar in the render, there's this very nifty trick using the Iray Section Plane Node.

    This looks like it will work for what I am trying to do.  Nice!  I also found a way to do it with canvas, but it seems like yours may work better.  Thanks! 

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