Gen3 Male Clothings on Female People?

Hi all.

If I buy clothings for gen3 male, can I wear this clothings on female persons to?

I want to purchase this item, but only if I can wear this an gen3 females.

Thanks for your help :)


  • Generally clothes can be AutoFitted between sexes in any given Genesis generation, with the usual limits of the AutoFit process.

  • CyberDogCyberDog Posts: 232

    I tried the clothing on G3 and it does work. As Richard stated it does have limitations. The shirt gets the shrink wrapped look. You can fix that with a product like fit control

  •[email protected] Posts: 176
    edited November 2017

    You might also look at this ; You do this once on each item of clothing (there are instructions and I found them straight forward) and save the morphs.  Now each time you apply that clothing to the other gender, it loads without the AutoFit process and tends to fit well.  It's a handy time saver for thigs like the Police Uniform which is more gender neutral.

    Edit: This is not required for the AutoFit which will fit clothing from one gender onto another.  It just helps automate it for clothing that's used this way often.

    Post edited by [email protected] on
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