Content bug priorities

TaozTaoz Posts: 9,881
edited November 2017 in The Commons

I wonder how DAZ prioritize content bugs, and why. Some seem to be fixed in a few days, others seem to take forever. The Render Studio problem for example caused by the DS update hasn't been fixed yet.


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  • My guess is that they notify the content creator when they confirm it in house, and leave it up to the PA to fix, rather than attempt to fix it.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,881

    My guess is that they notify the content creator when they confirm it in house, and leave it up to the PA to fix, rather than attempt to fix it.

    So if the PA does nothing, it's not being fixed?

    With Render Studio though it worked fine when it was released, it was a later DS update that broke it so I'd say it's DAZ responsibility to fix it in this case.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602
    edited November 2017

    The updates for easy things others can do seem to happen. For example I had a pose in a set that was wrong, textures not applying, and file structure errors and typos. Those tend to get fixed

    Bigger problems with products rarely get addressed although sometimes they do if enough complain.

     I did have someone write me recently 3 years after I submitted a ticket asking if there was still a problem with something I put an order in for.

    Ive also been told files were updated for recent releases but no updates were released and my ticket is closed. I reopened them but no updates are forthcoming.

    i still submit tickets when there are issues but I don’t find there is a high rate of closure for more complex bugs. 



    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene Night, I wonder if some updates get released for Connect users but not the rest of us that adamantly refuse to use that system.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602
    edited November 2017

    That is possible. It certainly hasn’t arrive in dim unless they are holding off on sending them out.   In this case they told me the product had been updated and closed my tickets. I did not ever get said updates. Granted the correction could have been a quick touch up job in Photoshop... So I may at some point check and connect to connect and see. It may indeed be there but it certainly never arrived in dim.

    In any case I and others don’t tend to get many fixes for bugs. I suspect but do not know that the service model prioritizes work based on the number of complaints. If there aren’t enough complaints about a bug it gets deprioritized and likely indefinitely.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
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