Dear Darling SanterDaz
Dear Darling SanterDaz,
It's that time of year. The time of year we get to write to SanterDaz like all good children do.
As you know, I have been a good girl. I have spent thousands during this past year because I love you. Who needs a new car . . . but if you were selling a car, the car I bought was the best car I have ever owned and I got it at a great price.Thank you for that. I also want to thank you for the freebees. Most companies never give away much for free but you my friend are different . . . which is why I love you and most of your PA Artists. At times I almost got into a marital fight over you, but darling Daz you won and to avoid divorce, my husband and I agreed to disaaree. Then one fine day, you gave away freebees that I thought sucked and my husband thought were cool. Once again, Darling Daz, you saved the day. Thank you for being you. Thank your for the things you give, especially the free things, and thank you for putting up with us spoiled children who think we are entitled to those freebees, the gifts you are so generous to offer us.We control our wallets, and you control the magic.
So dear Darling SanterDaz could I have a puppy, a new puppy for Christmas?
...I want a Winnebego, Fully equipped, big kitchen, water bed,.AM-FM, CD, microwave...Burgundy interior.
I hear that the hivewire dog might be out pretty soon. So you may get one just not from here.
I will be jealous . . . so jealous!
don't forget some freshly baked cookies and milk for the elves too