Iray Emissive shaders and shadows

I have a scene with no lights, 2 "lamps" using emissive shaders to light the scene.

There are no shadows.  Sure things are shaded slightly on the side away from the light, but everything is lit.  There is no shadow under my table, there is no shadow under my people.  What gives?


  • Are you sure you don't have the camera headlamp on? That is blocked by the addition of real lights, if you have only emissive surfaces it won't see them. You can turn it off directly in the General group in Render Settings.

  • I turned off the headlamp for the camera, yes.  I also found that some of the items I made in Wings3D needed to have their Ambient turned off.  but still no shadows under my table.

  • Make sure there is no environment light too. Emissive shaders act exactly as normal lights so they will cast shadows (very soft shadows if they are large lights).

  • Make sure there is no environment light too. Emissive shaders act exactly as normal lights so they will cast shadows (very soft shadows if they are large lights).

    Excellent.  My Environment was set to Dome and Scene.

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