Compilation, Grouping Categories

DAZ Studio !0.

Have 11 Major Daz Libraries, Each contains many products relating to HDRI lighting.

They are obviously huge files.

I wish to Group them all into one central location, without duplicating the installation of the files themselves. It is also important to maintain the

thumbnails (previews).

Saw a Tutorial in which the instructor went to the original product in tha library, right clicked it and sent shortcut to "catergories". It appeared with thumbails etc
When I repeat the step I get the title and nothing else.

Basic question, however is to compile all these products together without huge duplication and keeping thumbnails

Thank you


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited November 2017

    Can you provide a screenshot?  You should be seeing your content folders in one pane, then in the other pane you should be seeing your content thumbnails.


    screenshot, content library.png
    700 x 526 - 105K
    Post edited by sriesch on
  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Apologies, Screenshot of what?

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Sorry bit dense today. Had to do two screen prints because of space between. Print with thumbnails is product.

    Print 2 shows attempt at category, nothing showing but list

    728 x 1080 - 84K
    648 x 1057 - 44K
  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited November 2017

    Possibly you created the new folder (in your righthand screenshot) but didn't actually put your content thumbnail (from your lefthand screenshot) into your new folder?  On the left side, right-click the content thumbnail(s) in question, select Categorize, navigate to wherever your righthand screenshot folder is, then click the checkbox in front of it, then press the Accept button.  I occasionally space out and select a folder which makes it highlighted but didn't check the box so that doesn't actually do anything.

    Note that the checkmark can be in several states. It can be unchecked (your content is NOT in the category), fully checked (your content is in that category) or checked but greyed out (if you had multiple content thumbnails and some of them are there and some of them are not.)

    screenshot, content library.png
    1213 x 999 - 152K
    Post edited by sriesch on
  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    To underline this sriesch, I truly thank you for trying to help. Screen prints etc are time consuming.

    Also as you can tell from the volumes of responses, you are truly unique.

    The object was to put all the hdr/hdri files in one place without duplication installations (as mentioned files are not small).

    Whatever  I am doing wrong was done all day.

    Cannot get to work.

    Will reinstall all into one central location.

    Thank you again

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