Do different generations use more/less resources?

Do genesis characters have a smaller (memory/resource,MBs,Gigs) footprint then, let's say Genesis 8 or 3 or....

Or is it in the clothing and not the base figures....?


  • ArtisanSArtisanS Posts: 209

    Yes, for sure.....

    1) The more maps the more resources are used and the more mapable parameters the more maps

    2) Later generations use seperate maps for legs and arms.....which does not help (if memory ehem serves since G2)

    3) Subsurface also uses resoureces..Genesis 3 with a subsurf of 5 means CPU and 4 can be GPU rendered

    4) The size of the textures also plays a role....of course.....4K maps are expensive stuff.....especially if you have a cartload of them in a material.....SSS, displacement, normal map for skin details, bump for finer detials, diffuse, it all ads up...

    And if you render a 2K portrait a 4K face map is well, not that cool.......therefore (and to save time, nerves and swearwords) I use a scripts of the handy variety called V3Digitimes Scene Optimizer.... with it you can interactively optimize the sizes of the textures to manageble proportions resulting in faster renders and more workload for the GPU (the poor thing has only 6GB of VRAM and that will have to do).

    Greets, ArtisanS

  • Thank you.

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