The problem with the hair

After adding the hair I had a strange spot under the hair. I think things in the materials... But I don't know what to do, please help. I use Iray
The sweet map it just in the app.

1170 x 824 - 588K
I've had situations where this happened, and could be fixed by using one of the adjustments that come with the hair. At least for me, what appeared to be happening was that the scalp under the hair didn't exactly fit the head shape - I think it was just a hair larger (pun intended), resulting in weirdness. By "dialing in" one of the side adjustments a few percent negative, I think it resulted in the scalp being at or inside the head skin, getting rid of the problem.
rames44 Thanks!
I fixed the problem re-imported character and hair. Most likely I lost the material settings for my experiments with materials.