Xmen Sentinel WIP in Carrara
BC Rice
Posts: 591
Having some fun with Joe Quick's Sentinel in Carrara. Trying to refine some sketch layer stuff.
Hey, great work, amazingly like a real professional job ;) But seriously, love that blur at the begiining and the special effects
Thanks! :)
Love the soundtrack :)... and the blur / focus FX
Yeah, I'm such a cheater, though. I'm sure everything I've done with the focusing could have been done in Carrara, but AE is just so much easier for me.
Yeah, I'm such a cheater, though. I'm sure everything I've done with the focusing could have been done in Carrara, but AE is just so much easier for me.
The music is certainly an original match-up and using AE is the right thing to do and anything else that makes animating easier, I'd only use Carrara for what Carrara does best and other progs for what they do best. Simples.