Welcome to the 2018 World's Fair!

Yes, think about it.  Several of you content creators should put your heads together and have a release of several items / bundles /whatever at the beginning of next... summer?  ( I have no concept of what kind of time it takes to create something)

What were the World's Fairs?  They were events unparalleled today.  It was a a place for optimism, achievement, and hope in the future,  There were several World's Fairs, so Deco can mix with Nouveau, Edwardian, Futuristic, Whatever.  The beauty is that with such a mixture of things, almost anything would go. Well.. ok... maybe not contemporary t-shirts and jeans. 

Annnnd... everything does not have to be new!  Take the Temple of the Nile as an example.  Paint that baby up with the bright colors the Egyptians did a couple thousand years ago, and BAM!  You have a re-released item that can sell at a high price and can serve as a 'pavilioin' at your World's Fair.

Daz - shake up the same-old-same-old.  Make an event!  Look how much money we all spent on the anniversary sale - and so close to Christmas.  Take your slowest sales month in the summer and make a promotion.

Give us the World's Fair!

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