Can't get 3delight displacements working

BradCarstenBradCarsten Posts: 856

I'm trying to get displacement maps working in 3delight without much success. If you look at the first image, it's a screenshot of the viewpoint. As an experiment I then add a flat gray displacement map - RGB 128, 128, 128, convert it to grayscale color mode. I set displacement to 100%, min to -0.4 max to 1, but theoretically because of the colour of the map, that shouldn't alter the image at all. I click render and you can see the result below in image 2. It looks like everything is ballooning out. 

Any idea what could be causing this?

I'm using 4.10. 

503 x 314 - 124K
538 x 313 - 120K
Post edited by BradCarsten on


  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,311

    What are your min and max displacements settings? If - for instance - min=0 and max=1, then this 'problem' as you describe may occur.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582

    Since your min is -0.4 and your max is 1, middle gray becomes 0.3.

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,311

    Since your min is -0.4 and your max is 1, middle gray becomes 0.3.

    I need new glasses.. blushcheeky

  • Since your min is -0.4 and your max is 1, middle gray becomes 0.3.

    I didn't realise that's how it works- I thought middle gray is constant and min + max just effects the height and depth independantly of each other. thanks for the tip I'll give it another go.

    glaseye said:


    I need new glasses.. blushcheeky


  • People keep saying "mid-grey is neutral" - that's true by default, but only because the minimum and maximum values balance. In fact only the meaning of black and white are specified, greys are then interpolated from that range.

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