All the Genesiseses



  • OK! Sorry it took so long. I must have changed something somewhere because I went to do a render and it was just rendering empty space. Couldn't remember where I saw that viewport thing I shut off and have no idea where my camera is trying to render in the scene...LOL.. I figure it out later.

    So... I just started a spot render of the problem. I didn't even let it finish cuz I think it shows what I'm talking about.

    This is Gen3 and Gen 8 side by side out of the box with the Preset distant light added and rendered using the spot render on default settings.

    679 x 610 - 61K
  • Merged the two threads to keep the discussion together.

  • When Genesis 8 was released nwe features had been added to the iray Uber base shader, and were taken advantage of by the default materials. Genesis 3, however, pre-dates Iray and loads with 3Delight materials. So if those are out-of-the box you probably have totally different sahders on each; if you've applied a materials set to each and it predates the new features it may have left soem values on the Genesis 8 in their non-zero form, from the original materials, while leaving them in the default zero state on the older figure.

  • OK!!! Trying to figure things out. I think the duplicate thread was removed, so I'll try here.

    Hiya Cho!!! smiley Nice to see you, too!!

    OK... So I went to do the render and I was rendering empty space. Don't know where I turned that viewport thing off and I have no idea what my camera is actually pointing at....but I'll figure it out later... LOL

    Instead, I just started a spot render of Gen 8 and Gen 3 side by side.

    This is with just a distant light preset that comes with Studio and spot rendered on default IRAY settings. 

    I didn't let the render finish because I was already taking so much time, but I think it shows what I'm talking about.

    679 x 610 - 61K
  • JasmineSkunkJasmineSkunk Posts: 1,902
    edited December 2017

    When Genesis 8 was released nwe features had been added to the iray Uber base shader, and were taken advantage of by the default materials. Genesis 3, however, pre-dates Iray and loads with 3Delight materials. So if those are out-of-the box you probably have totally different sahders on each; if you've applied a materials set to each and it predates the new features it may have left soem values on the Genesis 8 in their non-zero form, from the original materials, while leaving them in the default zero state on the older figure.

    OK... So, it's probabally a shader thing? 

    I haven't played with this new Studio much yet. Trying to still locate things and figure out what I need and what I want... because, yeah: New STUFF! smiley

    BUT! ...Excited to learn how stuff works. If Gen 8's shaders are supposed to work with IRAY uber based shader thing, I'm gonna need help understanding it because playing with the surfaces tab didn't immediately reveal any secrets. Any tutorials or anything maybe? Thanks in advance. 

    Post edited by JasmineSkunk on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722

    OK!!! Trying to figure things out. I think the duplicate thread was removed, so I'll try here.

    Hiya Cho!!! smiley Nice to see you, too!!

    OK... So I went to do the render and I was rendering empty space. Don't know where I turned that viewport thing off and I have no idea what my camera is actually pointing at....but I'll figure it out later... LOL

    Instead, I just started a spot render of Gen 8 and Gen 3 side by side.

    This is with just a distant light preset that comes with Studio and spot rendered on default IRAY settings. 

    I didn't let the render finish because I was already taking so much time, but I think it shows what I'm talking about.

    What you are showing is just different material settings on each figure which is why they are reacting to the light differently. Apply the same gen 3 character to both of them and they should look the same then

    Keep in mind that with Iray, by default each camera has a headlamp that is always on auto. You can adjust it or turn if off or on by clicking on the camera and then going to the headlamp setting. Some lightsets come with a function to turn off all headlamps. Also in your render settings for Iray, there is a drop down menu on what lights/kind of lights are on or being used, just click the environment setting and scroll to the top.

  • OK!!! Trying to figure things out. I think the duplicate thread was removed, so I'll try here.

    Hiya Cho!!! smiley Nice to see you, too!!

    OK... So I went to do the render and I was rendering empty space. Don't know where I turned that viewport thing off and I have no idea what my camera is actually pointing at....but I'll figure it out later... LOL

    Instead, I just started a spot render of Gen 8 and Gen 3 side by side.

    This is with just a distant light preset that comes with Studio and spot rendered on default IRAY settings. 

    I didn't let the render finish because I was already taking so much time, but I think it shows what I'm talking about.

    What you are showing is just different material settings on each figure which is why they are reacting to the light differently. Apply the same gen 3 character to both of them and they should look the same then

    Keep in mind that with Iray, by default each camera has a headlamp that is always on auto. You can adjust it or turn if off or on by clicking on the camera and then going to the headlamp setting. Some lightsets come with a function to turn off all headlamps. Also in your render settings for Iray, there is a drop down menu on what lights/kind of lights are on or being used, just click the environment setting and scroll to the top.

    Oh!! A Headlamp! Good to know! Where should I start with understanding IRAY and what's been done to Gen 8 to take advantage of it? I know NOTHING. Don't even know IRAY yet...LOL A tutorial or starter resources out there anywhere?

  • OK!!! Trying to figure things out. I think the duplicate thread was removed, so I'll try here.

    Hiya Cho!!! smiley Nice to see you, too!!

    OK... So I went to do the render and I was rendering empty space. Don't know where I turned that viewport thing off and I have no idea what my camera is actually pointing at....but I'll figure it out later... LOL

    Instead, I just started a spot render of Gen 8 and Gen 3 side by side.

    This is with just a distant light preset that comes with Studio and spot rendered on default IRAY settings. 

    I didn't let the render finish because I was already taking so much time, but I think it shows what I'm talking about.

    What you are showing is just different material settings on each figure which is why they are reacting to the light differently. Apply the same gen 3 character to both of them and they should look the same then

    Keep in mind that with Iray, by default each camera has a headlamp that is always on auto. You can adjust it or turn if off or on by clicking on the camera and then going to the headlamp setting. Some lightsets come with a function to turn off all headlamps. Also in your render settings for Iray, there is a drop down menu on what lights/kind of lights are on or being used, just click the environment setting and scroll to the top.

    Oh!! A Headlamp! Good to know! Where should I start with understanding IRAY and what's been done to Gen 8 to take advantage of it? I know NOTHING. Don't even know IRAY yet...LOL A tutorial or starter resources out there anywhere?

  • You're awesome Agent!! Thank you!!! smiley I also found a tip in this thread that others may find useful.

    Jimbow said, "Go to tonemapping in the iray settings and lower the F-Stop value, or lower the Shutter Speed value, or increase the Film ISO value. Also try increasing the Burn Highights, as this compresses the upper tonal range to make a pretty picture, but can also lose detail in the highlights. Similarly, lowering the Crush Blacks can show more detail in the darker end of the image."

    I lowered the f-stop from 8 to about 6.5 and it helped considerably. smiley

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,975

    Also Jasmine I don't know if you know this but if you click on the star at the top of the page ,it will give you notifications and add the thread to your forum bookmarks ,so you can find it

  • I didn't know that! Thank you, carrie! smiley

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,032

    Also you can lower the skin surfaces transluncency color settings strength to 50% and lower. The smaller the percentage the closer the render color will be to the actual diffuse texture colors used in your diffuse texture slot. They've improved it much in newer version of DAZ Studio - it is much easier to make skin lighter or darker than before.

  • Cool! Thanks, Nonesuch! smiley

  • PedroCPedroC Posts: 194
    edited December 2017
    JOdel said:

    G8 went from the T-pose to an A-pose for its zero position, which throws some pose sets off, but the fix for that doesn't require a purchased add-on, for most thigs. 

    Doesn't require a purchase at all, I have pose-control-driven insta-converters in my sig.

    yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes...Thanks, thanks, and thanks again. I love these control dials.

    Post edited by PedroC on
  • ^100% agree, but note Anagennesis 3 is coming very soon.

  • The UHT hair thing looks cool. smiley

  • The UHT hair thing looks cool. smiley

    UHT2 and the fantasy color expansion are *amazing*. 

  • The UHT hair thing looks cool. smiley

    UHT2 and the fantasy color expansion are *amazing*. 

    I might have to check those out! wink

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,717

    Hi Jasmine, nice to "see" you again, welcome back!!

    I don't hava a lot to add other than to trow out another vote for UHT2. I use it on almost every hair I use, often even on the newer hair (Anagenesis 2 is awesome too).

  • JasmineSkunkJasmineSkunk Posts: 1,902
    edited December 2017

    Hey DustRider! Nice to see you, too! smiley Thanks.

    But, I already spent more than I was going to!!! LOL

    I got all that stuff and PC and, and... I will just have to wait for many things... though I did go back and get the Male Head morphs! LOL I gotta STOP for a bit. Ha! Though, it does look really cool.

    Post edited by JasmineSkunk on
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,975

    Hehehe WISH LIST is your friend too ........oh and here's more stuff to add to that wish list anything by ZEV0 , come on join the brokeside

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,717

    Hey DustRider! Nice to see you, too! smiley Thanks.

    But, I already spent more than I was going to!!! LOL

    I got all that stuff and PC and, and... I will just have to wait for many things... though I did go back and get the Male Head morphs! LOL I gotta STOP for a bit. Ha! Though, it does look really cool.

    I would definitely wait for a good sale on it anyway. This hobby can be rather expensive, especially if your trying to get  the basics for a new generation!

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