My Uber materials have been lyfted! Where and what am I looking for?

I just installed 4.10 on a new PC because the old one died. I was hoping I could salvage the DAZ3D library from the old hard drive, but, try as I might, I can't locate it - I don't know if it's not accessible because it was in the Documents or what; neither hide nor hair. So I'm having to slowly reinstall all my content, and what I REALLY need are my uber materials. They were the ones that had all the thumbnails of the ball on the little stand, with one that converted an existing material, one that set up emissive materials, lots of different metal types and surfaces, a single red velvet material, plastics, rubbers, glasses both thin and solid. What are these called and where would I find them? I don't remember - were they part of the 4.9 installation or a separate product? Nothing I Google under "DAZ UBER" matches this set, and searching the forums is useless.

Help me, Obi Wan Dazobi - you're my only hope!


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