White Dots on My Render

WallflowerWallflower Posts: 35

Hello to all.

Recently i've faced a weird issue on one of my renders and specifically one of the suits i'm using which is Astraios Ranger. It just doesn't matter what render settings, lighting or surface options i choose i always get these white dots on my renders and this suit. I put some screen grabs from my render settings and surface tab for you guys to see what's happening in there. I usually use 5000 Iterations but this time i used 10000, just to make sure it's not the quality issue.

I appreciate any kind of help.


Post edited by Chohole on


  • Aren't those reflections? Turn your reflectivity, top coat, and metallicity off and see if that makes them disappear.

  • WallflowerWallflower Posts: 35
    edited December 2017

    Thanks for the reply.


    Without Metallicity

    Without Reflectivity

    Without Reflectivity And Metallicity

    Without Reflectivity And Metallicity And Top Coat


    Looks like the problem is with the Top Coat but i really couldn't fix it. I really don't know how can i get rid of these white dots.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • They're reflections of lights, so, either you can turn off the really shiny layer which looks like mostly Top Coat, or you can use different, fewer lights.

    What is your goal for the end result? Do you want the armor more matte?

  • WallflowerWallflower Posts: 35
    edited December 2017

    I'm actually pretty happy with the texture and material. The glossiness of the suit is exactly what i'm looking for, i just want to get rid of those white dots or those reflections. There should be a way to fix that. I know it can be fixed on the surface tab i just can't get it done. I just rendered it one more time without any light or HDRI but those white dots are still there. I mean what type of object has such reflections ? 

    Again , thanks for the help.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • No, you can't get rid of the reflections without getting rid of the glossiness because glossiness is reflected light. You would have to change the lights. What is your setup right now? The last render you show clearly still has lights because it is not completely black.
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