Interactive license

edited December 2017 in New Users

Slightly curious about licensing and what constitutes a game... Game art could mean (in increasing levels of interaction and user reuse)

  • conceptart shown off in blogs
  • box art
  • in game background render (a photo on a wall of a render)
  • choose your own adventure with images (image is rendered but game is essentially traversing renders) 
  • spriteanimation (renders in different poses become walking and actions) 
  • imported models and animations (3d characters) 

At which point is an interactive license required?

Post edited by nocforweb_9420025c24 on


  • Slightly curious about licensing and what constitutes a game... Game art could mean (in increasing levels of interaction and user reuse)

    • conceptart shown off in blogs
    • box art
    • in game background render (a photo on a wall of a render)
    • choose your own adventure with images (image is rendered but game is essentially traversing renders) 
    • spriteanimation (renders in different poses become walking and actions) 

    At this point.

    • imported models and animations (3d characters) 

    At which point is an interactive license required?


  • Perfect, thank you!

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