My renders are coming out blank - resolved

Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,148
edited December 2017 in The Commons

I've set up a scene and everytime I hit render, the render is complete in 3 seconds, and I have rendered a blank png.  In order to check whether I've made a mistake with the placement of the camera, I did an active viewport render - got the same result.  Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? 

Edited to add - I pulled up a previously rendered scene that is in my gallery.  I tried to render it as a test - got the same result, a blank png rendered in a few seconds.  I haven't changed any of the settings of the previously rendered gallery image - which must mean that the settings are okay.

Edited to add - my spot renders are now coming out blank too! However, when I was dressing the character, checking make up etc. I was heavily using the spot render tool and it was working.  

Post edited by Worlds_Edge on


  •  Are you including the floor in the render and maybe the camera is below the flooor.


    Next check the settings. If you used the spot render- I believe that the spot render is attatched to the FRAME THAT YOU use TO RENDER and the spot render MUST be part of or INSIDE the area chosen to render.

    And so, if the area of the spot render is outside the render window, you get nothing.

  • Go to your render settings and check that the setting make sense.

    Also, try and create a camera and make sure you are rendering from that camera view. Your persepctive view can vary wildly from the camera and such- sometimes the render tabs switches view sources and I don't notice.

  • This has been happening to me, too. I've yet to figure out exactly what's causing it, but sometimes if I delete all my lights and re-add them, and/or change my HDRI, I can render again. 

    I've set up a scene and everytime I hit render, the render is complete in 3 seconds, and I have rendered a blank png.  In order to check whether I've made a mistake with the placement of the camera, I did an active viewport render - got the same result.  Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? 

    Edited to add - I pulled up a previously rendered scene that is in my gallery.  I tried to render it as a test - got the same result, a blank png rendered in a few seconds.  I haven't changed any of the settings of the previously rendered gallery image - which must mean that the settings are okay.

    Edited to add - my spot renders are now coming out blank too! However, when I was dressing the character, checking make up etc. I was heavily using the spot render tool and it was working.  


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,032

    I've had to once also delete all lights & set up Sun & Sky to get a render visible. I think it had something to do with emissive lights wonking something up.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,148

    Thank you for your help everyone.  Apparently I had my figure below the floor!  I had checked for that, but apparently I somehow rotated the character or the floor so that the floor looked like it was below the character's feet.  It probably has something to do with the fact that I started off with an upside down preset pose.  I'm thrilled I can render again.  I'm still a bit perplexed about why I couldn't render another scene that I opened up for testing purposes.  The character in the other scene was above the floor etc.  However, all's well that ends well :)

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