Looking for a particular Future City set here at Daz

Deej_232931Deej_232931 Posts: 26
edited December 2017 in The Commons

And I apologize in advance if this question should more properly go elsewhere; if so, admins, please move it there. Intend no offense.

Couple of weeks ago, I was back hereabouts, getting new stuff for my new Poser install. Found some fun stuff, found that I couldn't seem to contact actual content creators with questions, hah, a good time was being had.

Needed to hold off 'til another paycheck came around for some more files, but I didn't want to lose them--finding anything with the search feature's a nightmare (or maybe I just need to learn the system; who'm I to complain?)--so I added them to my basket. Came back today only to find that the stuff I'd put in said basket wasn't there any more. Argh. Found two of the things I'd put there, one other I hadn't see before, BUT...

...there was this really cool future city (or set of closely-linked city blocks, maybe) set. It was multi-story and focused on a particular closed-in city area. You could show or hide apartments or shops like morphs, things in the ground level open areas the same way. It had a short video showing how to use it, fer gosh sakes (and if I'm not mistaken, a video on the making of that video). I really liked that, and wanted to try it out.

Untortunately, I can't find that set no matter what I search under. Found some nifty Stonemason city blocks (figures the holiday sale won't run long enough to indulge myself there), but can't find that future city block set that I'd like to find.

Does my description ring any bells for anyone who could point me in that direction?

Many thanks to anyone who can help!


Post edited by Chohole on


  • MarcCCTxMarcCCTx Posts: 912

    First check the Urban Future series

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722

    The section for sci fi city blocks isn't that big, so you can probaby find it on this page


  • MarcCCTx said:

    First check the Urban Future series

    Did that. *sigh* Some good stuff, but that wasn't it.

    Thanks, though.


  • The section for sci fi city blocks isn't that big, so you can probaby find it on this page


    Checked that one too. Twenty-something possibilities, and none of them rang a bell. Argh. Thanky kindly, though.


  • MarcCCTxMarcCCTx Posts: 912

    Not so gritty Technopolis. It has some morphs. I wish there was more.


  • ...a-a-and then... the brain cell stopped bouncing from side to side. It was just about to expire from my browser's history, but I found where I'd originally found it. "The Silent City." Yay. Daz Studio only. Boo. Let's me right out. Explains why it wasn't showing up in my searches, though; I was searching on City Poser, which was cutting that right out.

    Boogers. Well, easy to get my hopes up. Next time I'll read the descriptions sooner. (Still, maybe I can pick up some of those Stonemason ones...)


  • scorpio said:

    Dang. I like the look of both of those. Sadly, they're both Daz Studio only. My system'll run DS (I assembled it to run anything), but I never got to like DS.

    Thanks, though. If AntFarm (been getting some of his stuff lately) or KindredArts decide to take those things in the direction of Poser ever, I may have to give 'em a try.


  • MarcCCTx said:

    Not so gritty Technopolis. It has some morphs. I wish there was more.


    Interesting. Not the dirty and gritty I was necessarily looking for, but that's just a matter of letting my ferrets chew on the texture maps for a while. I'll keep it in mind; at least it's not Daz Studio Only. :S



  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722

    The biggest issue with running DS only addons in poser is the shaders and/or rigging. For a city set, you can always purchase it and see how it works. If it doesn't you have a couple of options, request a refund or export from DS as an .OBJ and import into poser

  • The biggest issue with running DS only addons in poser is the shaders and/or rigging. For a city set, you can always purchase it and see how it works. If it doesn't you have a couple of options, request a refund or export from DS as an .OBJ and import into poser

    And that's what I've been researching doing for the past hour or so. "Can I export it from Daz Studio in some Poser-friendly format?" (I don't mind re-applying texture maps.) "Can I export it from Daz Studio as an FBX and skip Poser or Carrara and import directly into 3D Studio, cutting out the middle-men?" (Let's set our sights high.) I hesitate to ask questions like these aloud for fear that they'll anger the gods of Daz and get me banned or something. "He spake against Daz Studio. Smite him! Twice!" Some of the stuff (like the Super Suit) is almost convincing me to try that stupid DSON importer into Poser again (it was an exercise in pain the last I tried it, a year or two ago), but having learned how to rig in Poser and use in MAX, I hesitate to add another link in the chain (especially since there'd be no DSON-to-MAX step in said chain). *sigh* Sometimes I fear I set my sights too high.

    Still, you do raise a decent amount of hope. An OBJ file is pretty universal. Thanks for reminding me that DS does at least do that all right.


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,722

    What are you doing in Max, animations, renders, others? Trust me, others talk of using Daz content in far worse ways and apps, so you will be ok. If you are trying to get into Max either .OBJ or .FBX works fine from my experience.

  • MJ007MJ007 Posts: 1,683

    I think you should really consider Stonemason's Urban Future series of sets in particular:

    I think it has the same ambiance as The Silent City which i also like, but unable to use.

    Good Luck!


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948

    ..yeah I hear you about wanting gritty settings.  I've been involved with a cyber future RPG for some time now which has spawned an original story line.  For settings  I often mix old, contemporary, and futuristic structures. Yeah, have a lot of Stonemason sets as well as several by Conflek Gnorg over at Rendo (also very good and will work in Poser with no trouble). I also tend to do a bit of kitbashing of different scene and set elements as well as props to create more unique settings.

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