Organizing Libraries Help?

JasmineSkunkJasmineSkunk Posts: 1,902
edited December 2017 in The Commons

I am still installing and checking out content with the new Daz Studio 4.10. I have a few questions If I reorganize things a bit will it mess up the meta data thing? I'm not wanting to do anything drastic, but I don't want to break anything either! Second question: Did "Shaded Haven" come with Daz Studio? Cuz it's in my Library and I have no idea how it got there and there is nothing in my product Library that suggests I should have it and it isn't listed as content that comes standard on the product page of Daz Studio. I haven't installed ANYTHING into Studio yet that wasn't DIM so I'm alittle perplexed how it got there.


I have a bunch of content I own that is not in my product Library that I got in the past. Things like Jack Tomalin's Wishing Well. (I think it was a weekly freebie, IIRC) And all of my Runtime DNA stuff. Did those accounts not come over? How do I deal with the metadata thing and that stuff?

Post edited by JasmineSkunk on


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,303

    My advice when organizing - don't manually move files. That can screw things up. Just use categories.

    I wish I could help with the other questions - but I don't know. :(

  • Thanks, Divamakeup. I appreciate the response, anyway? smiley

  • Shaded Haven is part of one of the DAZ Studio tutorials and seems to just be the parts of the main set required for the tutorial. As for the RDNA stuff, it should have, if your email and user name here were the same as the ones you used there.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,602
    edited December 2017

    I have begun manual organization and it works better for me. I resisted for years but after losing my hard earned custom categories I decided to embrace the manual organization. 


    I only do specific things such as environment and props and a limited amount of stuff within the people’s directories.. The environments are poorly organized so I organize it the way that makes sense to me. And yes it messes stuff up I need product listing but I don’t care....I can find things now. I also organize my poses in each generation folder put couples poses in with the gender poses and also remove and dump vanity folder and extra sub folders. I Now I have all my gun poses in a specific folder and all my environments organized by type so if I. Want to find a bedroom I don’t have to hunt through multiple directories. I know they are in environments/ bedrooms.  I don’t have the time to hunt through vanity folders or sub directories to find content. I also don’t want to find my environments inthe props folder. So I make things organized for my own sanity.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,937
    edited December 2017

    As for the RDNA stuff, it should have, if your email and user name here were the same as the ones you used there.

    Of course, that's only if the product was transferred to the DAZ store, and if you reloaded it via DIM.  I'd say about one in ten of the products I bought at the old RDNA store didn't carry over at first, but at this point what's mostly missing is things that were discontinued prior to the move, like the products sold under the Aery/Awful Soul names.     

    Edit - Oh, yes, I'd also definitely agree with using the categories to organize as you can move an entire set of files with just a few mouseclicks and place the same item in multiple categories just by duplicating them.  The one exception would be in a case where you need to access a large bunch of similar files quickly with a specific scirpt.  In my case that means poses, as I use a number of Pose Builder and Pose Convertor utilities and it's much easier to mix and match those if they're all in one big collection of folders rather than spread across multiple figure, environment and prop folders.  That said, I make the new folder by duplicating the existing files and still leave the originals where they were installed.  


    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • Cybersox said:

    As for the RDNA stuff, it should have, if your email and user name here were the same as the ones you used there.

    Of course, that's only if the product was transferred to the DAZ store, and if you reloaded it via DIM.  I'd say about one in ten of the products I bought at the old RDNA store didn't carry over at first, but at this point what's mostly missing is things that were discontinued prior to the move, like the products sold under the Aery/Awful Soul names.     


    I did have the same name and email over there, but NONE of my stuff from there is in my Product list.

  • I have begun manual organization and it works better for me. I resisted for years but after losing my hard earned custom categories I decided to embrace the manual organization. 


    I only do specific things such as environment and props and a limited amount of stuff within the people’s directories.. The environments are poorly organized so I organize it the way that makes sense to me. And yes it messes stuff up I need product listing but I don’t care....I can find things now. I also organize my poses in each generation folder put couples poses in with the gender poses and also remove and dump vanity folder and extra sub folders. I Now I have all my gun poses in a specific folder and all my environments organized by type so if I. Want to find a bedroom I don’t have to hunt through multiple directories. I know they are in environments/ bedrooms.  I don’t have the time to hunt through vanity folders or sub directories to find content. I also don’t want to find my environments inthe props folder. So I make things organized for my own sanity.

    LOL... I'm just getting started and I already feel like this! laughlaughcryingsurprisewink

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,937
    edited December 2017



    Cybersox said:

    As for the RDNA stuff, it should have, if your email and user name here were the same as the ones you used there.

    Of course, that's only if the product was transferred to the DAZ store, and if you reloaded it via DIM.  I'd say about one in ten of the products I bought at the old RDNA store didn't carry over at first, but at this point what's mostly missing is things that were discontinued prior to the move, like the products sold under the Aery/Awful Soul names.     


    I did have the same name and email over there, but NONE of my stuff from there is in my Product list.

    If those items are still being sold by DAZ, in the same format, I'd suggest submitting a help ticket with a list of the affected items.  I know that even most of the freebies that I picked up at RDNA transferred over to DIM, though there's still no metadata for a lot of it, especially the older items.


    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548

    I'm going to back up SereneNight on this: manual organization (which I've only done for the runtime content) is the way to go. Take a few minutes to skim through your product library and see what kinds of content you have a lot of (I buy a fair amount of Victorian and Medieval architecture for instance), create those as subcategories.

  • Thanks guys. Cybersox, I will have to get a list together. Thank you.


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