How Dim Can Dim Witted DIM Get Before It Goes Black?

I am seriously about to check out of Daz for good. I have spent the last several days torn between Daz and maintaining healthy dogs, cats and birds. The pets won. But I did put aside time to download recent purchases andall I get are stupid Dim Witted error messages. Have had several but here are three screen shots. 227 ready to download, 96 ready to install and 4673 Installed.Then it quits and quits and quits.  199 ready to downlaod (there were other errors in between) and I am ready to chokehold DIM. 191 Ready to download . . .  urggggggggggggggggg. On and on and on! This is ridiculous. It's not like I'm trying to do this on an old sony tower.

Install Manager Error1.JPG
1949 x 1385 - 249K
Install Manager Error3.JPG
1970 x 1386 - 259K
Install Manager Error4.JPG
1972 x 1419 - 263K
Install Manager Error5.JPG
790 x 834 - 91K


  • Kaleb242Kaleb242 Posts: 344

    How's your internet connection?

    Seems like it keeps dropping connection with DAZ servers.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,641
    edited December 2017

    Kaleb242 said: How's your internet connection?

    I have a commercial static IP the connection has never been a problem.

    Post edited by ArtAngel on
  • One that gives you network errors?

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,641
    edited December 2017

    No On the other PC also a windows 10 pro (a better machine with dual titan pascals , 64 gb ram etc))  same connection I am about to download no problem. The only difference is on the better machine I have an older Daz version 4.9.

    One that gives you network errors?

    Edit screenshot. No Problem with internet on older Daz version

    1113 x 1498 - 210K
    Post edited by ArtAngel on
  • It might be your machine.
  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,641
    edited December 2017
    It might be your machine.

    I updated DIM and Updated Daz on the 32 gb Ram pc, and have no problems with any other programs. I suspect the problems lies somewhere within the upgrade of DIM which I did not do on the 64gb Ram pc . . . thank God.

    That said, I'll put in a Tech ticket.

    Post edited by ArtAngel on
  • You're running other programs that do constant downloading and break the moment the internet connection drops? DIM is kinda...special that way.

    Good luck with working it out.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,641

    You're running other programs that do constant downloading and break the moment the internet connection drops? DIM is kinda...special that way.

    Good luck with working it out.

    Thank you. I apologize if I seem ungrateful, but I am so fustrated and I really do apprediate your help. Go figure the PC that will download everything is the one I try to keep offline. Urrgg!

  • It may be worth opening a support ticket, in case there's some issue with your account. You can also download the zips directly from the site and place them in the DIM Downloads folder, as a workaround and a way to compare the performance of DIM and your browser.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,641

    It may be worth opening a support ticket, in case there's some issue with your account. You can also download the zips directly from the site and place them in the DIM Downloads folder, as a workaround and a way to compare the performance of DIM and your browser.

    Thank you. You did help. I actually told Dim what to download eg: he main model before the HD for it.The only difference was I had an update for Dim Filters uninstalled on the pc that downloaded fine (still showing in products to download whereas the  PC with the issues had it installed (and I did a system restore on the problem PC today). The weird part is it would still frequently quit but luckily resumed at the 50% or 80%. Not sure what version has this feature but it was a life saver after a tedious cherry picking download.

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