Problems with Wiki

All I keep getting is

Unauthorized access to internal API. Please refer to

Is there something I am doing wrong???


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,461
    edited December 2017

    I'm not seeing a general issue, could you post some of the problem URLs (assuming they haven't fixed themselves in the meantime).

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Each time I go to Wiki to get the PDF for one of the newer characters I get that message.   The URL is:    ; It is for Giovanni for Genesis 3 and 8 Male(s)

  • The readme is at , and clicking the Export to PDF button on that page works. Is that what you wanted? How did you get the link you are trying to use?

  • No.... You're URL works great and I thank you but when I simply insert the item #    33869    all I get is the message above.   I have used just the number for a long time and worked great but suddenly it is not????      The URL from google is the response I get when I type just the item number

  • Odd. What I usually do is copy the SKU from the product page, then open any read me and use the co[pied SKU to replace the one in the URL for that page. It may be that there's been a change in how the wiki references things, I would suggest reporting it via a support ticket.

  • Odd. What I usually do is copy the SKU from the product page, then open any read me and use the co[pied SKU to replace the one in the URL for that page. It may be that there's been a change in how the wiki references things, I would suggest reporting it via a support ticket.

    Thanks. I have reported it and looking forward to a reply

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