Installing zip files

Hi, I just downloaded some free props from 3Duniverse. And they downloaded as a zip file.
How do I install these to work in Daz3D ?
I looked on there website on how to do this but could not find anything.
Thanks for your help !
Open the zip, what folders does it contain? Do you use the default content directories. If you post a screenshot of the tree, or a link to the souce page, it shold be fairly simple to talk you through the process.
I use the default directories.
OK, for each of those the stuff you want is in the My Library folder, so have that open in the window, select everything, go to your actual My Library or My Daz3D Library folder, and paste - you should be asked if you want to merge the new props, Runtime, and so on folders with those thata re already present - say yes. If there are any duplicate files then you will be asked what you want to do with those, if they aren't obviously identical then it's probably best to make a note of them and then skip, rather than allowing thee xisting fiel to be overwritten, and then you will have to look at the conflicts.