DAZ just updated, now odd visual error when moving mouse

johnbpjohnbp Posts: 55

I decided to check for updates, and there was one.  I closed DAZ and installed it.  Now when I open the scene I was working on the water element flashes colors when I move my mouse cursor across navigation widgets in viewport.  I am using "texture shaded" as the viewport setting.

Also new error in logs: "2017-12-08 16:01:18.152 OpenGL error while drawing to the viewport: invalid value"   This seems to be repeated everytime I make the color flash by moving my mouse.  I tried updating my Nvidia drivers (there was a new one), but no change.

Any ideas?

Oh, this is on Windows 10 with a GTX 1050 TI video card.


Edit to add: It seems to effect just one camera.  If I am viewing through that camera (called "Inside CAM") the problem is the persistent flashing.  If using any other camera the problem goes away unless I have "Inside CAM" selected in the scene list.  Then the water changes color and stays that color.  No flashing or mouse movement... it just sticks to being colored.

Post edited by johnbp on


  • I updated Daz just now too, and this is the result:


    I tried to change workspace but there's nothing there to select, the whole program is corrupted, please someone Help me, I'm paniking right now sad. I have tried to restart my pc and the program. 

  • johnbpjohnbp Posts: 55

    I updated Daz just now too, and this is the result:


    I tried to change workspace but there's nothing there to select, the whole program is corrupted, please someone Help me, I'm paniking right now sad. I have tried to restart my pc and the program. 

    Ouch!  Yours is worse than mine.  At least I can still work, it is just annoying.  And the renders are fine, just the working viewport is misbehaving.  I did open a ticket with support, you should probably do the same.

  • I googled it and found an old thread from 2015 with the same problem, and there it said that the problem was that daz studio was running while updating, I had Daz studio running, rendering while I updated, I had no idea that you weren't supposed to do that. How do I solve this?

  • johnbpjohnbp Posts: 55

    I googled it and found an old thread from 2015 with the same problem, and there it said that the problem was that daz studio was running while updating, I had Daz studio running, rendering while I updated, I had no idea that you weren't supposed to do that. How do I solve this?

    Uninstall, then reinstall?  For me, I had closed it first before updating so I don't think this applies.  But for you a clean install might fix it.

  • Thanks for the advice! smiley I turned off my pc and waited a while, turned it on, tried Daz, but it had the same problem. I then turned off Daz, opened Install Manager and under Ready to install was the update again, I clicked install and now it works again! laughlaughlaughlaugh I'm so happy, this really scared me. There should be a warning message in Install Manager when clicking install update: remember to turn off Daz studio while installing. Perhaps it's just common sense to turn it off, but it wasn't to me and I don't think I'm the only newbie to have done this frown.

  • johnbpjohnbp Posts: 55

    Thanks for the advice! smiley I turned off my pc and waited a while, turned it on, tried Daz, but it had the same problem. I then turned off Daz, opened Install Manager and under Ready to install was the update again, I clicked install and now it works again! laughlaughlaughlaugh I'm so happy, this really scared me. There should be a warning message in Install Manager when clicking install update: remember to turn off Daz studio while installing. Perhaps it's just common sense to turn it off, but it wasn't to me and I don't think I'm the only newbie to have done this frown.

    Good for you!  I am glad it worked out.  I checked to see if it was in Install Manager again for me... but no luck.

  • johnbpjohnbp Posts: 55

    More info...


    I tried reinstall, but problem remained.  I made a copy of the camera, and it works fine, but original camera is still showing the symptom(s) so I am leaving it for troubleshooting the problem if needed.  Also, if I delete it the problem might migrate to the new camera.  Who knows.  But Daz is usable, and that is what matters.  I do want to help find this bug though for future reference.  Vocational thing.  I do network support for a living, mostly servers, but some application support.  So I know finding the answer now can help with future issues.

  • johnbpjohnbp Posts: 55

    So as a test... I deleted the original "bad camera" and now the problem is happening to all of the cameras.


    So the workaround I was trying didn't work once I deleted the "corrupt" camera.


    I will keep playing around.  If anyone else has a similar problem, let me know how it is happening to you.  It will help a lot!

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