Is there a way to keep the Content folder more organized?

When I place plug-ins in my content folder, I'm always bothered by how cluttered it's become. And when I need to delete a certain plug-in I'm at a loss to find files that are associated with it.

Is it possible to simply drop the folder containing the plugin into the content folder? That way, it'd be neater and I could just remove that folder when I need to remove it. If not, please consider something like this as a feature in future versions?


  • Plug-ins are executable modeuls thata re added to the application folder, I assuem you mean content. Connect (installing content through DS itself, not available for all content types) does give each item its own folder - but if you view the content in a file-based view all those separate folders are amalgamated into one virtual folder. If you want to see the files for a product on their own the simplest method is to find the product in the Products tab of Smart Content: however, this won't always be best, some sets (complex shaders for example) may have a sequence of steps to go through that are reflected in the folder structure on disc but not in the categories used in the product view.

    As for uninstalling, both DIM and Connect will log the files as theya re installed and remove them on uninstall (as long as they haven't been moved).

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