Add a couple of additional measurement morphs to Figure Metrics

A really helpful additional morph target would be "cup size."  Figure Metrics currently just shrinks or grows the bustline regardless of breast shape and proportion.  It would be nice if FM could calculate a new breast and chest shape based on both bust line and cup.

Also, a "slim, sturdy (thick), or voluptuous" checkbox could help the program determin what the resulting shape would most likely match.  Just a couple of thoughts on making a great product even better!


  • The trouble is that cup size is not a single measure but thr result of combining a couple of measures, with soem arcane rules giverning the process. Theer was, as I recall, some discussion of this. Certainly the other options are not single measures and are likely better handled in other ways.

  • The trouble is that cup size is not a single measure but thr result of combining a couple of measures, with soem arcane rules giverning the process. Theer was, as I recall, some discussion of this. Certainly the other options are not single measures and are likely better handled in other ways.

    I see your point.  However, a couple of decent "approximation shapes" for the standard cup sizes would probably work as a good base, since FM mainly shrinks or grows the other dimensions by scaling.  So, if I were to check "B cup," I'd get a fairly typical B cup shape that would then be scaled to the input bustline.  My hope is that would be a better approximation of a particular body type.  So, a small breasted A Cup would look different at bustline 34" than the same bustline in a C Cup and so on.  I think it could be done.


  • I'm not really asking for FM to do it all to the nth degree of accuracy.  I'm just thinking that it could do a pretty good job of differing body types according to a few average target morphs.  Pick a good set of say 5-7 typical shapes too represent A - F breasts.  Then apply the shape to the figure before bustline scaling.  That should give a better approximation of how chest, shoulders, and waist are proportioned.  From there, other morph packages could be used to tweak the shapes further.

    The same option could be done in a simpler form for the hipline.  Thick setting would give a less shapely appearance with more boxy build, voluptuous - more glutes, thin- less glutes...etc.  The trick is to have the shape applied before FM scaling of measurments, so the look is a better approximation of the overall body type, instead of strictly based on height, bust, waist, low hips.

  • The way Figure Metrics works is to link a property to a measure, so you'd need a measure (or possibly a compound of measures) linked to a specific morph or transform so that the script could iteratively chnage the proeprty and see if the measure was moving in the right direction.

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