Rarestone vs 200 Plus vs Daz head and face morphs

Hey! Has anyone had a chance to compare the Rarestone, 200 Plus, and Daz Original sets for genesis 8 figures? From glancing at them it seems like Rarestone has the largest number of morphs and tweakable details but that might actually make it hard to use. Any thoughts?


  • LOL... Just had to share:

    I didn't know about the other "stuff" you mentioned, so I googled "Rarestone" and what came up was a medical marijuana delivery service in California!!! Hahaha! I'm guessing that's not what you were talking about. laughlaughlaugh

  • generally speaking,  always pick the product with the most options.  you grow into using them.  experience=growth.    https://www.daz3d.com/rarestone-s-face-morphs-collection-for-genesis-8-male


  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,793

    I would definitely get the Daz Originals one first because there are morphs there that other PAs don't duplicate or do in a different way. I tend to get all morph kits including the Hansdspan ones because I like to create unique characters but really all are good, I would get whatever is on the best sale! 

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,018

    The DAZ Originals are also sometimes used / neccessary for character shapes in a PA character.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,870

    Having all three, I generally shape the face and cranium using Rarestone and 200, respectively. Then I set the brow height using 200. Next, I start dialing the Daz Originals (henceforth, DO), working on the eyes. After going through all that DO offer, I go through all eye morphs on 200, ending with Rarestone. If anything about the eyes are still not to my liking, I see if Thorne's head morphs (only 2 have been released so far for Genesis 8) can help. I repeat this process for the nose, mouth, cheeks, chin, and jaw.

    I see DO as a chisel, 200 as a scalpel, and Rarestone as a laser. Thorne's morphs are not as fine-tuned as I would like (they sometimes affect more than the single feature they are named for), but they offer some morphs that none of the others do. DO work perfectly, but there are not enough parameters to copy some faces. 200 Head Morphs offer many morphs that are missing (and were sorely needed) in DO, as well as DO parameter alternates/duplicates which allow for further shaping on a feature without the distortion that sometimes arises when defeating limits in Daz Originals parameters. Rarestone has morphs that I wish I had for Genesis 3 as well as many that I didn't know I needed but which instantly give a face distinctiveness that is so lacking in many Daz characters. However, there are a few Rarestone parameters that are a great idea and long desired, but they are not specific enough to be useful. For example, Eye Shape Horizontal (or something like that), which changes the width of each eye (as opposed to DO Eye Width, which changes the distance between the eyes) is needed so often with wide-eyed characters like Genevieve 7. But it also unfortunately changes the width of the eyeball. Of course, this renders it useless because I like for my characters' irises/pupils to be circular rather than elliptical. Nonetheless, there are so many other things that Rarestone gets right, that I cannot hold that against it.

    If you would like to make characters that look like people you know or celebrities, then get every face morph pack available (when they are on sale), as well as every DO core/iconic character and different-looking PA character. This way, you can start with a face that is closer to what you want and dial up the likeness using your morphs. Once you have learned which morphs do what, it will become easier and easier to know which parameter to change to get the face you seek. Bon appetit!

  • I have them and have had no problems using them. I work on face shape then eyes nose mouth and I pull a bit from all the morphs as well as some I bought elsewhere. The combo allows me to create some near duplicates of very old Daz figures that I loved. Near duplicates because I always tweak to what the character to look like. And I often go back the next day and final tweak it all again after looking at the figure in several poses. 

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