Floor Grid

I would like to reposition the floor grid and change or know how to change the floor grid.
I can't seem to find anything on it anywhere.
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I would like to reposition the floor grid and change or know how to change the floor grid.
I can't seem to find anything on it anywhere.
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Hi, I don't think you can reposition the floor grid - you can turn it off
Then you could add your own floor ( plane ) and you could move that however you would like.
(for example with a plane primitive from Create>New Primitive) plane.
The floor grid doesn't actually exist as an object - it's only a guide. The grid is composed of 1 meter squares to help with positioning things in the scene.
If you want your own grid, do as davegv suggested and create a plane. You can set the size and number of divisions to suit yourself and save it to the library. The reason for setting a number of divisions is that if you change the viewport to wireframe mode, you'll be able to see the grid. Suppose you want to have a 50cm grid. Make a plane of, for example, 50x50 meters, and set the divisions to 100.
Thanks. The reason I was asking is I have a multi level platform and wanted to use the Move to Floor option. Guess that option is not available in the manner I thought. It should be tho.
You could still use a created plane as a floor at any level you like. If you open the Align pane, you have options to stack objects. So you could position the plane on a platform level, then select it and the figure and stack them so the figure stands on the plane.
Am I understandig correctly what you want to do?
Thanks! That did what I wanted! Whoo Hoo!
Gotta love when ya love something new....!
How do I change the grid setting from Metric to Standard? For that matter, how do I get the Translation Sliders and grid to use the same format? I want 1 on the X slider to be 1 unit on the X positive, and the same distance on the grid to the next block so that when I position primitives by typing in the coordinates, I know exactly where they are going on the grid.
Everything in DS, including the trans sliders and grid is metric. You can't change it to standard, imperial or anything else. The trans units are in centimeters, so Xtrans 100 = 1 meter. AFAIK, you can't change that.
I wanted to add a correction to this thread. I have since discovered you can in fact "Move" the ground. Under render settings > enviroment > ground you'll see a " Ground position mode" which by default is set to Auto. If you change that to manual you can change the origin for Y (up or vertical) a negative ( like -50 will lower it also ) you can also change the x and z values as well. So you can reposition the Grid/Ground and if needed still add another plane if needed. hopes this helps someone - I learn new things about daz all the time by reading these forums.
I should clairy however that the "Grid" is not to be confused with the "ground" The grid itself will not move.
If you want another grid to move do as Maclean suggested: If you want your own grid, do as davegv suggested and create a plane. You can set the size and number of divisions to suit yourself and save it to the library. The reason for setting a number of divisions is that if you change the viewport to wireframe mode, you'll be able to see the grid. Suppose you want to have a 50cm grid. Make a plane of, for example, 50x50 meters, and set the divisions to 100.
Yes, the Iray render setting pane has that option, but all you're doing is moving the HDRI map. That can be useful, but of course, it's Iray only.
Is the "ground" your refering to the same as the "floor"?... I ask because there is an Edit command "Move To Floor" or Ctrl+D. This is the command that inspired my intitial question.
Either way, I have discovered the "Align" tab and it is working for me too, along with an invisible pane serving as one of the objects to stack above to place things.
@ leo04
If you prever to use the "Move To Floor" or Ctrl+D instead of "Align" to a plane a workaround would be to select all in the scene and parent it to a Group (first create Group at World center). Now you can move everything in the scene and define where the original DS Floor grid should be by moving the Group. Later you can also parent your items to this Group, zero its position to World Center again and delete the group (DS will ask you to keep the parented to items in the scene). The Group here would work like a temorary global offset to the world center. I almost forgot that you have to take care of the "Parent Items In Place" setting to be on while you reParent'ing things.
This is some similar technique to what I used to place items on a table top. First I move the table down until the table top is aligned with the floor level - then I used "Move To Floor" for all items that should be on the table. Next parent all items on the table to the table itself and then I used "Move To Floor" on the table. But I see the "Align" pane could do the same I never used it.
Hello, sorry to summon a thread from long time ago, I'm new to Daz and also trying to slove the same problem, as suggested above, I tried to create a premitivies and group them into my objects as my floors and walls as an attempt to set up boundaries & floor grids for all gemortary objects, but my figure still go through primitive boundaries I set on objects, why is that?
There is no automatic collision avoidance.