samples of my renders - by cosmo



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    It is stated, and highlighted in the TOS that there are currently no flags, so nudity is not allowed. There is also an announcement at the top of each forum, including this one that is headed "acceptable ways of handling nudity, whiic further explains the rules.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    another shoot of the sleazy hotel room with some probs added

    1658 x 936 - 231K
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    here is the full furnished room :)

    1658 x 936 - 196K
  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    edited December 1969

    Lots of cool renders - love them Cosmo.

    You did a great job on arranging that room!

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    sedor said:
    Lots of cool renders - love them Cosmo.

    You did a great job on arranging that room!

    thank you :) was a bit of work but the room is really great and has much potential for lots of stories :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2012

    here is a brand new render :)

    1658 x 936 - 428K
    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    cosmo71 said:
    here is a brand new render :)
    Hehehehee.... into PUSHING the limits are WE? Nice by the way.
  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    edited December 1969

    Far far away from the limits :P

    A cool "cowgirl" - errrrm, a hot one...

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    cosmo71 said:
    here is a brand new render :)
    Hehehehee.... into PUSHING the limits are WE? Nice by the way.

    Limits??? well this image is so far away from pushing limits like we from the moon :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    sedor said:
    Far far away from the limits :P

    A cool "cowgirl" - errrrm, a hot one...

    yeah she is, a cool hot cowgirl :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    another canyon shoot :)

    1658 x 936 - 357K
  • revenger681revenger681 Posts: 156
    edited December 1969

    Fantastic renders! :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Fantastic renders! :)

    the last two or all? ;) (joke) thank you very much :) you are welcome :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2012

    this I have made for a "wanted by" poster which I need for render I will make in the future but it turned out so good, that I thought why not post it also as a portrait snapshot :)

    1000 x 1000 - 196K
    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Cosmo you are with out a doubt at the top of my 3D girl chart this week. Great stuff.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Cosmo you are with out a doubt at the top of my 3D girl chart this week. Great stuff.

    thank you Jader :) and the next is for you (human nature) you remember?

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    for jader :)

    1648 x 932 - 148K
  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    edited December 1969

    Hehe, very cool - cool inspiration :D

    Great new renders (and verrrry interesting and cool ones over "there" :P you know...)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    sedor said:
    Hehe, very cool - cool inspiration :D

    Great new renders (and verrrry interesting and cool ones over "there" :P you know...)

    I know ;) and thank you :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    another shelf render :)

    1648 x 932 - 238K
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,959
    edited December 1969

    Great renders cosmo could I ask where you got the shelf you are useing??

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    carrie58 said:
    Great renders cosmo could I ask where you got the shelf you are useing??

    thank you and sure, you can ask :)

    the shelf is a prob of the following product at renderocity:

    I have deleted the diffuse and bumb map and added a primitive plane as backwall, the shelf has a backwall but for some reasons the lower three rows have a black backwall and I couldn`t change that, so I used a primitive plane to have a full white backwall.
    after parented and positioned and scaled the primitive plane to the shelf (just a few minutes). I scaled the shelf up through 300 and placed it to the scene that was it :)
    this all need not longer than 4 minutes or so.

  • Design Anvil - Razor42Design Anvil - Razor42 Posts: 1,235
    edited December 1969

    Cool idea!! Like the shelves.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    a new one :)

    1600 x 900 - 185K
  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    edited December 1969

    Cosmo goes romantic :P

    Really great render, love it :) Great!

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    AHhhh.... Cosmo has a soft spot in their (whatever passes as a) Heart (in that thing, Look at that Avatar). And does renders of it very well.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    AHhhh.... Cosmo has a soft spot in their (whatever passes as a) Heart (in that thing, Look at that Avatar). And does renders of it very well.

    thank you :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited December 1969

    sedor said:
    Cosmo goes romantic :P

    Really great render, love it :) Great!

    thank you, too :)

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2012

    a version of the new Dixie Minx :) this is a "family save" version if you want so see an adult version go to galleries pin ups and look for an image named "dixie minx" or have a look at my gallery there, my name there is also cosmo71 :)

    enjoy and have fun :) and if you want, add a comment or vote or do both :)

    (click for larger view)

    936 x 1658 - 137K
    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    cosmo71 said:
    a new one :)

    WOW... just WOW! Well done, I love it!!

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