Lighting Help on the Enterprise
I’m having some issues with lights. I have a 2009 Enterprise Model found from nightfever on I’m trying to make all the lights look as though they’re lighting the scene where there are lights indicated. The biggest problem seems to be the front of the nacelles. I’m Using Bryce 7, I’ve already made the known lights ambient enough to show up in the dark.
What else can I do?
How do I get the small irregular shaped areas to look as though they’re casting light too?
How can I get the nacelles to look as though they’re glowing onto the back of the saucer section?
Does anyone have an idea of where all the lights are and their colors?
This is an example of what I've been able to figure out using a spot inside the nacelle, and the ball lights on some of the exteriors. sort:time gallery:knighted-feline&qo=1
This is with a ball light just outside the nacelle pod. sort:time gallery:knighted-feline&qo=3
With the ambient turned to full on the parts I'm making into lights and the nacelle pods with ambient parts. sort:time gallery:knighted-feline&qo=2
An example of some of the odd parts to light.
Well I don't know anything specifically about the lights on the ship, but I do have some general lighting tutorials that might help you with lighting problems, depending on your level of expertise and the power of your PC...
Here are some suggestions in no particular order.
Bryce Made Easy - SFX spaceship thrust - by David Brinnen
Bryce Made Easy - Star burst space cloud effect - by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - Lens Flare - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce "Nuts and Bolts" - breaking down lighting, diffuse, ambient, specular and... by David Brinnen
Bryce 5 minute scene - obscure glows - a tutorial by David Brinnen
Bryce 15 minute scene project - how to set up multiple glowing objects - by David Brinnen
Bryce 10 minute project - glowing light emitter object material - a tutorial by David Brinnen